' . sprintf( wp_kses( /* translators: %1$s - WPForms plugin name; %2$s - WPForms.com URL to a related doc. */ __( 'Your site is running an outdated version of PHP that is no longer supported and may cause issues with %1$s. Read more for additional information.', 'wpforms-lite' ), [ 'a' => [ 'href' => [], 'target' => [], 'rel' => [], ], ] ), 'WPForms', 'https://wpforms.com/docs/supported-php-version/' ) . '' . wp_kses( __( 'Please Note: Support for PHP 7.1 and below will be discontinued soon. After this, if no further action is taken, WPForms functionality will be disabled.', 'wpforms-lite' ), [ 'strong' => [], 'em' => [], ] ) . '
' . sprintf( wp_kses( /* translators: %s - WPForms.com contact page URL. */ __( 'Thank you for considering upgrading. If you have any questions, please let us know.', 'wpforms-lite' ), [ 'a' => [ 'href' => [], 'target' => [], 'rel' => [], ], ] ), esc_url( wpforms_utm_link( 'https://wpforms.com/contact/', 'Upgrade Follow Up Modal', 'Contact Support' ) ) ) . '
' . wp_kses( __( 'After upgrading, your license key will remain the same.You may need to do a quick refresh to unlock your new addons. In your WordPress admin, go to WPForms » Settings. If you don\'t see your updated plan, click refresh.', 'wpforms-lite' ), [ 'strong' => [], 'br' => [], 'em' => [], ] ) . '
' . sprintf( wp_kses( /* translators: %s - WPForms.com upgrade from Lite to paid docs page URL. */ __( 'Check out our documentation for step-by-step instructions.', 'wpforms-lite' ), [ 'a' => [ 'href' => [], 'target' => [], 'rel' => [], ], ] ), 'https://wpforms.com/docs/upgrade-wpforms-license/' ) . '
' . sprintf( wp_kses( /* translators: %s - WPForms.com contact page URL. */ __( 'If you have any questions or issues just let us know.', 'wpforms-lite' ), [ 'a' => [ 'href' => [], 'target' => [], 'rel' => [], ], ] ), esc_url( wpforms_utm_link( 'https://wpforms.com/contact/', 'Upgrade Intention Alert', 'Upgrade Intention Alert' ) ) ) . '
' . sprintf( wp_kses( /* translators: %s - license level, WPForms Pro or WPForms Elite. */ __( 'After purchasing a license, just enter your license key on the WPForms Settings page. This will let your site automatically upgrade to %s! (Don\'t worry, all your forms and settings will be preserved.)', 'wpforms-lite' ), [ 'strong' => [], 'br' => [], ] ), $level ) . '
' . sprintf( wp_kses( /* translators: %s - WPForms.com upgrade from Lite to paid docs page URL. */ __( 'Check out our documentation for step-by-step instructions.', 'wpforms-lite' ), [ 'a' => [ 'href' => [], 'target' => [], 'rel' => [], ], ] ), esc_url( wpforms_utm_link( 'https://wpforms.com/docs/upgrade-wpforms-lite-paid-license/', 'Upgrade Intention Alert', 'Upgrade Documentation' ) ) ) . '