* : Option to update. * * [
] * : The new value. If omitted, the value is read from STDIN. * * [--format=
] * : The serialization format for the value. * --- * default: plaintext * options: * - plaintext * - json * --- * * ## EXAMPLES * * wp the7 option update header-layout classic * * @when after_admin_init */ public function update( $args, $assoc_args ) { if ( ! function_exists( 'optionsframework_get_options_id' ) ) { WP_CLI::error( "Seems that you don't use The7 theme." ); } $key = $args[0]; $value = WP_CLI::get_value_from_arg_or_stdin( $args, 1 ); $value = WP_CLI::read_value( $value, $assoc_args ); $the7_options_id = optionsframework_get_options_id(); $theme_options = get_option( $the7_options_id ); $old_value = $theme_options[ $key ]; if ( $value === $old_value ) { WP_CLI::success( "Value passed for '$key' option is unchanged." ); } else { $theme_options[ $key ] = $value; $theme_options = sanitize_option( $the7_options_id, $theme_options ); if ( update_option( $the7_options_id, $theme_options ) ) { presscore_refresh_dynamic_css(); WP_CLI::success( "Updated '$key' option." ); } else { WP_CLI::error( "Could not update option '$key'." ); } } } /** * Get The7 theme option. * ## OPTIONS * *
* : Option to get. * * [--format=
] * : Get value in a particular format. * --- * default: var_export * options: * - var_export * - json * - yaml * --- * * ## EXAMPLES * * wp the7 option get header-layout * * @when after_admin_init */ public function get( $args, $assoc_args ) { if ( ! function_exists( 'optionsframework_get_options_id' ) ) { WP_CLI::error( "Seems that you don't use The7 theme." ); } $the7_options_id = optionsframework_get_options_id(); $theme_options = get_option( $the7_options_id ); list( $key ) = $args; if ( ! array_key_exists( $key, $theme_options ) ) { return; } $value = $theme_options[ $key ]; WP_CLI::print_value( $value, $assoc_args ); } /** * Delete The7 theme option. * * ## OPTIONS * *
* : Option to delete. * * ## EXAMPLES * * wp the7 option delete header-layout * * @when after_admin_init */ public function delete( $args ) { if ( ! function_exists( 'optionsframework_get_options_id' ) ) { WP_CLI::error( "Seems that you don't use The7 theme." ); } $key = $args[0]; $the7_options_id = optionsframework_get_options_id(); $theme_options = get_option( $the7_options_id ); unset( $theme_options[ $key ] ); $theme_options = sanitize_option( $the7_options_id, $theme_options ); if ( update_option( $the7_options_id, $theme_options ) ) { WP_CLI::success( "Option '$key' has been deleted." ); } else { WP_CLI::error( "Could not delete option '$key'." ); } } }