esc_html__( 'Add Button Text', 'the-events-calendar' ), 'href' => tribe_get_event_website_url(), ]; } /** * Since we are dealing with a Dynamic type of Block we need a PHP method to render it * * @since 4.7 * * @param array $attributes * * @return string */ public function render( $attributes = [] ) { $args['attributes'] = $this->attributes( $attributes ); // Add the rendering attributes into global context tribe( 'events.editor.template' )->add_template_globals( $args ); return tribe( 'events.editor.template' )->template( [ 'blocks', $this->slug() ], $args, false ); } /** * Register the Assets for when this block is active * * @since 4.7 * * @return void */ public function assets() { tribe_asset( tribe( 'tec.main' ), 'tribe-events-block-' . $this->slug(), 'app/' . $this->slug() . '/frontend.css', [], 'wp_enqueue_scripts', [ 'conditionals' => [ $this, 'has_block' ], ] ); } }