has_option( $this->ID, 'table_bg_color' ) ) { $template .= ' #tribe-events .tribe-events-calendar td.tribe-events-othermonth, #tribe-events .tribe-grid-allday, #tribe-events .tribe-events-calendar td:hover { background-color: <%= month_week_view.cell_inactive_bg_color %>; } #tribe-events .tribe-events-calendar td, #tribe-events .tribe-week-grid-block div, #tribe-events .tribe-events-grid, #tribe-events .tribe-grid-allday, #tribe-events .tribe-events-grid .tribe-scroller, #tribe-events .tribe-events-grid .tribe-grid-body .column, #tribe-events .tribe-events-grid .tribe-grid-allday .column { border-color: <%= month_week_view.border_dark_color %>; } .events-archive.events-gridview #tribe-events-content table .type-tribe_events, .tribe-events-shortcode .tribe-events-month table .type-tribe_events { border-color: <%= month_week_view.border_light_color %>; } .tribe-events-calendar td.tribe-events-past div[id*="tribe-events-daynum-"], .tribe-events-calendar td.tribe-events-past div[id*="tribe-events-daynum-"] > a { background-color: <%= month_week_view.cell_inactive_header_bg_color %>; } .tribe-events-calendar div[id*="tribe-events-daynum-"], .tribe-events-calendar div[id*="tribe-events-daynum-"] a { background-color: <%= month_week_view.cell_header_bg_color %>; } .tribe-events-calendar thead th, .tribe-events-grid .tribe-grid-header .tribe-grid-content-wrap .column, .tribe-grid-header { background-color: <%= month_week_view.table_header_bg_color %>; border-left-color: <%= month_week_view.table_header_bg_color %>; border-right-color: <%= month_week_view.table_header_bg_color %>; } '; } if ( $customizer->has_option( $this->ID, 'highlight_color' ) ) { $template .= ' #tribe-events td.tribe-events-present div[id*="tribe-events-daynum-"], #tribe-events td.tribe-events-present div[id*="tribe-events-daynum-"] > a { background-color: <%= month_week_view.highlight_color %>; color: #fff; } #tribe-events .tribe-events-grid .tribe-grid-header div.tribe-week-today { background-color: <%= month_week_view.highlight_color %>; } .tribe-grid-allday .tribe-events-week-allday-single, .tribe-grid-body .tribe-events-week-hourly-single, .tribe-grid-allday .tribe-events-week-allday-single:hover, .tribe-grid-body .tribe-events-week-hourly-single:hover { background-color: <%= month_week_view.highlight_color %>; background-color: <%= month_week_view.highlight_color_rgba %>; border-color: <%= month_week_view.highlight_border_color %> } '; } return $template; } public function create_ghost_settings( $settings = [] ) { // Retrieve the stylesheet option to set the proper defaults $style_option = tribe_get_option( 'stylesheetOption', 'tribe' ); if ( ! empty( $settings['table_bg_color'] ) ) { $table_bg_color = new Tribe__Utils__Color( $settings['table_bg_color'] ); $settings['table_header_bg_color'] = '#' . $table_bg_color->darken( 13 ); $settings['cell_inactive_header_bg_color'] = '#' . $table_bg_color->darken( 4 ); $settings['cell_header_bg_color'] = '#' . $table_bg_color->darken( 4 ); $settings['border_light_color'] = '#' . $table_bg_color->darken( 8 ); $settings['border_dark_color'] = '#' . $table_bg_color->darken( 15 ); if ( 'full' !== $style_option ) { $settings['table_header_bg_color'] = '#' . $table_bg_color->darken( 70 ); $settings['cell_inactive_bg_color'] = '#' . $table_bg_color->darken( 3 ); $settings['cell_inactive_header_bg_color'] = '#' . $table_bg_color->darken( 15 ); $settings['cell_header_bg_color'] = '#' . $table_bg_color->darken( 30 ); } } if ( ! empty( $settings['highlight_color'] ) ) { $highlight_color = new Tribe__Utils__Color( $settings['highlight_color'] ); $settings['highlight_color_rgba'] = 'rgba( ' . implode( ', ', $highlight_color->getRgb() ) . ', .75 )'; $settings['highlight_border_color'] = '#' . $highlight_color->darken( 15 ); } return $settings; } /** * A way to apply filters when getting the Customizer options * @return array */ public function setup() { $this->set_defaults(); $this->arguments = [ 'priority' => 30, 'capability' => 'edit_theme_options', 'title' => esc_html__( 'Month View', 'the-events-calendar' ), 'description' => esc_html__( 'Options selected here will override what was selected in the "General Theme" and "Global Elements" sections.', 'the-events-calendar' ), ]; } /** * Create the Fields/Settings for this sections * * @param WP_Customize_Section $section The WordPress section instance * @param WP_Customize_Manager $manager [description] * * @return void */ public function register_settings( WP_Customize_Section $section, WP_Customize_Manager $manager ) { $customizer = tribe( 'customizer' ); $manager->add_setting( $customizer->get_setting_name( 'table_bg_color', $section ), [ 'default' => $this->get_default( 'table_bg_color' ), 'type' => 'option', 'sanitize_callback' => 'sanitize_hex_color', 'sanitize_js_callback' => 'maybe_hash_hex_color', ] ); $manager->add_control( new WP_Customize_Color_Control( $manager, $customizer->get_setting_name( 'table_bg_color', $section ), [ 'label' => __( 'Calendar Table Color', 'the-events-calendar' ), 'section' => $section->id, ] ) ); $manager->add_setting( $customizer->get_setting_name( 'highlight_color', $section ), [ 'default' => $this->get_default( 'highlight_color' ), 'type' => 'option', 'sanitize_callback' => 'sanitize_hex_color', 'sanitize_js_callback' => 'maybe_hash_hex_color', ] ); $manager->add_control( new WP_Customize_Color_Control( $manager, $customizer->get_setting_name( 'highlight_color', $section ), [ 'label' => __( 'Calendar Highlight Color', 'the-events-calendar' ), 'section' => $section->id, ] ) ); // Introduced to make Selective Refresh have less code duplication $customizer->add_setting_name( $customizer->get_setting_name( 'table_bg_color', $section ) ); $customizer->add_setting_name( $customizer->get_setting_name( 'highlight_color', $section ) ); } /** * Set default values according to the selected stylesheet * * @since 4.6.19 * * @return void */ public function set_defaults() { // Retrieve the stylesheet option to set the proper defaults $style_option = tribe_get_option( 'stylesheetOption', 'tribe' ); switch ( $style_option ) { case 'full': // Full styles $this->defaults = [ 'table_bg_color' => '#fff', 'highlight_color' => '#666', ]; break; case 'skeleton': // Skeleton styles default: // tribe styles is the default so add full and theme (tribe) $this->defaults = [ 'table_bg_color' => '#f9f9f9', 'highlight_color' => '#21759b', ]; break; } } }