sess = ASP_Session::get_instance(); $this->process_ipn(); } else { //Legacy API is disabled, but request was made to it ASP_Debug_Logger::log( 'Legacy API backend accessed while it is disabled.', false ); wp_die( 'Access denied.' ); } } } } function ipn_completed( $errMsg = '' ) { if ( ! empty( $errMsg ) ) { $aspData = array( 'error_msg' => $errMsg ); ASP_Debug_Logger::log( $errMsg, false ); //Log the error $msg_before_process = __( 'Error occurred before user interacted with payment popup. This might be caused by JavaScript errors on page.', 'stripe-payments' ); $msg_after_process = __( 'Error occurred after user interacted with popup.', 'stripe-payments' ); if ( isset( $_POST['clickProcessed'] ) ) { $additional_msg = $msg_after_process; } else { $additional_msg = $msg_before_process; } ASP_Debug_Logger::log( $additional_msg, false ); $this->sess->set_transient_data( 'asp_data', $aspData ); //send email to notify site admin (if option enabled) $opt = get_option( 'AcceptStripePayments-settings' ); if ( isset( $opt['send_email_on_error'] ) && $opt['send_email_on_error'] ) { $to = $opt['send_email_on_error_to']; $from = get_option( 'admin_email' ); $headers = 'From: ' . $from . "\r\n"; $subj = __( 'Stripe Payments Error Details', 'stripe-payments' ); $body = __( 'Following error occurred during payment processing:', 'stripe-payments' ) . "\r\n\r\n"; $body .= $errMsg . "\r\n\r\n"; $body .= $additional_msg . "\r\n"; $body .= __( 'Debug data:', 'stripe-payments' ) . "\r\n"; foreach ( $_POST as $key => $value ) { $value = is_array( $value ) ? json_encode( $value ) : $value; $body .= $key . ': ' . $value . "\r\n"; } wp_mail( $to, $subj, $body, $headers ); } } else { ASP_Debug_Logger::log( 'Payment has been processed successfully.' ); } ASP_Debug_Logger::log( sprintf( 'Redirecting to results page "%s"', $this->aspRedirectURL ) . "\r\n" ); wp_redirect( $this->aspRedirectURL ); exit; } function process_ipn() { $asp_class = AcceptStripePayments::get_instance(); ASP_Debug_Logger::log( 'Payment processing started.' ); $post_thankyou_page_url = isset( $_POST['thankyou_page_url'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $_POST['thankyou_page_url'] ) : false; $this->aspRedirectURL = empty( $post_thankyou_page_url ) ? $asp_class->get_setting( 'checkout_url' ) : base64_decode( $post_thankyou_page_url ); ASP_Debug_Logger::log( 'Triggering hook for addons to process posted data if needed.' ); $process_result = apply_filters( 'asp_before_payment_processing', array(), $_POST ); if ( isset( $process_result ) && ! empty( $process_result ) ) { if ( isset( $process_result['error'] ) && ! empty( $process_result['error'] ) ) { $this->ipn_completed( $process_result['error'] ); } } //Check nonce ASP_Debug_Logger::log( 'Checking received data.' ); if ( ! isset( $_POST['stripeToken'] ) || empty( $_POST['stripeToken'] ) ) { $this->ipn_completed( 'Invalid Stripe Token' ); } if ( ! isset( $_POST['stripeTokenType'] ) || empty( $_POST['stripeTokenType'] ) ) { $this->ipn_completed( 'Invalid Stripe Token Type' ); } if ( ! isset( $_POST['stripeEmail'] ) || empty( $_POST['stripeEmail'] ) ) { $this->ipn_completed( 'Invalid Request' ); } $got_product_data_from_db = false; if ( isset( $_POST['stripeProductId'] ) && ! empty( $_POST['stripeProductId'] ) ) { //got product ID. Let's try to get required data from database instead of $_POST data $prod_id = intval( $_POST['stripeProductId'] ); ASP_Debug_Logger::log( 'Got product ID: ' . $prod_id . '. Trying to get info from database.' ); $post = get_post( $prod_id ); if ( ! $post || get_post_type( $prod_id ) != ASPMain::$products_slug ) { //this is not Stripe Payments product $this->ipn_completed( 'Invalid product ID: ' . $prod_id ); } $item_name = $post->post_title; $currency_code = get_post_meta( $prod_id, 'asp_product_currency', true ); $currency_variable = get_post_meta( $prod_id, 'asp_product_currency_variable', true ); if ( $currency_variable ) { $currency_code = sanitize_text_field( $_POST['stripeCurrency'] ); } if ( ! $currency_code ) { $currency_code = $asp_class->get_setting( 'currency_code' ); } $item_quantity = get_post_meta( $prod_id, 'asp_product_quantity', true ); $item_custom_quantity = get_post_meta( $prod_id, 'asp_product_custom_quantity', true ); if ( $item_custom_quantity ) { //custom quantity. Let's get the value from $_POST data $item_custom_quantity = intval( $_POST['stripeCustomQuantity'] ); } else { $item_custom_quantity = false; } $variable = false; $item_price = get_post_meta( $prod_id, 'asp_product_price', true ); if ( empty( $item_price ) ) { //this is probably custom price $variable = true; $item_price = floatval( $_POST['stripeAmount'] ); } //get tax and shipping amounts if applicable $tax = get_post_meta( $prod_id, 'asp_product_tax', true ); $shipping = floatval( get_post_meta( $prod_id, 'asp_product_shipping', true ) ); //let's apply filter so addons can change price, currency and shipping if needed $price_arr = array( 'price' => $item_price, 'currency' => $currency_code, 'shipping' => empty( $shipping ) ? false : $shipping, 'variable' => $variable, ); $price_arr = apply_filters( 'asp_modify_price_currency_shipping', $price_arr ); extract( $price_arr, EXTR_OVERWRITE ); $item_price = $price; $currency_code = $currency; //handle item url $item_url = get_post_meta( $prod_id, 'asp_product_upload', true ); if ( ! empty( $item_url ) ) { $item_url = base64_encode( $item_url ); } else { $item_url = ''; } $post_item_url = isset( $_POST['item_url'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $_POST['item_url'] ) : false; $button_key = isset( $_POST['stripeButtonKey'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $_POST['stripeButtonKey'] ) : false; if ( empty( $button_key ) ) { //let's generate our own button key $price = AcceptStripePayments::apply_tax( $item_price, $tax, AcceptStripePayments::is_zero_cents( $currency_code ) ); $price = AcceptStripePayments::apply_shipping( $price, $shipping, AcceptStripePayments::is_zero_cents( $currency_code ) ); $price_in_cents = $price; if ( ! AcceptStripePayments::is_zero_cents( $currency_code ) ) { $price_in_cents = $price_in_cents * 100; } $button_key = md5( htmlspecialchars_decode( $item_name ) . $price_in_cents ); } if ( ! empty( $post_item_url ) ) { if ( $item_url !== $post_item_url ) { $item_url = $post_item_url; } } $got_product_data_from_db = true; ASP_Debug_Logger::log( 'Got required product info from database.' ); } if ( ! $got_product_data_from_db ) { //couldn't get data from database by product ID for some reason. Getting data from $_POST instead if ( ! isset( $_POST['item_name'] ) || empty( $_POST['item_name'] ) ) { $this->ipn_completed( 'Invalid Item name' ); } if ( ! isset( $_POST['currency_code'] ) || empty( $_POST['currency_code'] ) ) { $this->ipn_completed( 'Invalid Currency Code' ); } $item_name = stripslashes( sanitize_text_field( $_POST['item_name'] ) ); $item_quantity = sanitize_text_field( $_POST['item_quantity'] ); $item_custom_quantity = isset( $_POST['stripeCustomQuantity'] ) ? intval( $_POST['stripeCustomQuantity'] ) : false; $item_url = sanitize_text_field( $_POST['item_url'] ); $button_key = sanitize_text_field( $_POST['stripeButtonKey'] ); $reported_price = sanitize_text_field( $_POST['stripeItemPrice'] ); ASP_Debug_Logger::log( 'Checking price consistency.' ); $calculated_button_key = md5( htmlspecialchars_decode( $item_name ) . $reported_price ); if ( $button_key !== $calculated_button_key ) { $this->ipn_completed( 'Button Key mismatch. Expected ' . $button_key . ', calculated: ' . $calculated_button_key ); } $trans_name = 'stripe-payments-' . $button_key; $trans = get_transient( $trans_name ); //Read the price for this item from the system. if ( empty( $trans ) ) { $this->ipn_completed( "Can't check payment validity. Aborting." ); } $item_price = $trans['price']; $tax = isset( $trans['tax'] ) ? $trans['tax'] : 0; $shipping = isset( $trans['shipping'] ) ? $trans['shipping'] : 0; $currency_code = strtoupper( sanitize_text_field( $_POST['currency_code'] ) ); if ( ! AcceptStripePayments::is_zero_cents( $currency_code ) ) { $shipping = $shipping / 100; } } if ( empty( $item_price ) ) { //Custom amount $item_price = floatval( $_POST['stripeAmount'] ); } if ( ! is_numeric( $item_price ) ) { $this->ipn_completed( 'Invalid item price: ' . $item_price ); } $currencyCodeType = strtolower( $currency_code ); $stripeToken = sanitize_text_field( $_POST['stripeToken'] ); $stripeTokenType = sanitize_text_field( $_POST['stripeTokenType'] ); $stripeEmail = sanitize_email( $_POST['stripeEmail'] ); $charge_description = sanitize_text_field( $_POST['charge_description'] ); $orig_item_price = $item_price; //check if we have variatons selected for the product $variations = array(); $varApplied = array(); if ( $got_product_data_from_db && isset( $_POST['stripeVariations'] ) ) { // we got variations posted. Let's get variations from product $v = new ASPVariations( $prod_id ); if ( ! empty( $v->variations ) ) { //there are variations configured for the product $posted_v = $_POST['stripeVariations']; $posted_v = filter_var( $_POST['stripeVariations'], FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING, FILTER_REQUIRE_ARRAY ); foreach ( $posted_v as $grp_id => $var_id ) { $var = $v->get_variation( $grp_id, $var_id[0] ); if ( ! empty( $var ) ) { $item_price = $item_price + $var['price']; $variations[] = array( $var['group_name'] . ' - ' . $var['name'], $var['price'] ); $varApplied[] = $var; } } } else { //no variations configured for the product } } //check if we we need to apply coupon if ( isset( $prod_id ) && ! empty( $_POST['stripeCoupon'] ) ) { $coupon_code = strtoupper( $_POST['stripeCoupon'] ); ASP_Debug_Logger::log( sprintf( 'Coupon provided "%s"', $coupon_code ) ); $coupon = AcceptStripePayments_CouponsAdmin::get_coupon( $coupon_code ); if ( $coupon['valid'] ) { if ( ! AcceptStripePayments_CouponsAdmin::is_coupon_allowed_for_product( $coupon['id'], $prod_id ) ) { //coupon not allowed for this product ASP_Debug_Logger::log( 'Coupon is not allowed for this product' ); unset( $coupon ); } else { if ( $coupon['discountType'] === 'perc' ) { $perc = AcceptStripePayments::is_zero_cents( $currency_code ) ? 0 : 2; $discount_amount = round( $item_price * ( $coupon['discount'] / 100 ), $perc ); } else { $discount_amount = $coupon['discount']; } ASP_Debug_Logger::log( sprintf( 'Coupon is valid. Discount amount: %s', $discount_amount ) ); $coupon['discountAmount'] = $discount_amount; $item_price = $item_price - $discount_amount; } } else { ASP_Debug_Logger::log( sprintf( 'Invalid coupon "%s", reason: %s', $coupon_code, $coupon['err_msg'] ) ); unset( $coupon ); } } $amount = $item_price; //apply tax if needed $tax_amt = AcceptStripePayments::get_tax_amount( $amount, $tax, AcceptStripePayments::is_zero_cents( $currency_code ) ); $amount = AcceptStripePayments::apply_tax( $amount, $tax, AcceptStripePayments::is_zero_cents( $currency_code ) ); if ( $item_custom_quantity !== false ) { //custom quantity $item_quantity = $item_custom_quantity; } if ( empty( $item_quantity ) ) { $item_quantity = 1; } $amount = ( $item_quantity !== 'NA' ? ( $amount * $item_quantity ) : $amount ); //add shipping cost $amount = AcceptStripePayments::apply_shipping( $amount, $shipping, AcceptStripePayments::is_zero_cents( $currency_code ) ); $amount_in_cents = $amount; if ( ! AcceptStripePayments::is_zero_cents( $currency_code ) ) { $amount_in_cents = $amount_in_cents * 100; } $opt = get_option( 'AcceptStripePayments-settings' ); $data = array(); $data['product_id'] = isset( $_POST['stripeProductId'] ) && ! empty( $_POST['stripeProductId'] ) ? intval( $_POST['stripeProductId'] ) : ''; $data['is_live'] = $asp_class->get_setting( 'is_live' ); $data['item_name'] = $item_name; $data['stripeToken'] = $stripeToken; $data['stripeTokenType'] = $stripeTokenType; $data['stripeEmail'] = $stripeEmail; $data['item_quantity'] = $item_quantity; $data['item_price'] = $orig_item_price; $data['discount_item_price'] = $item_price; $data['paid_amount'] = $amount; $data['amount_in_cents'] = $amount_in_cents; $data['currency_code'] = $currency_code; $data['charge_description'] = $charge_description; $data['addonName'] = isset( $_POST['stripeAddonName'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $_POST['stripeAddonName'] ) : ''; $data['button_key'] = isset( $button_key ) ? $button_key : ''; //Coupon if ( isset( $coupon ) ) { $data['coupon'] = $coupon; } //Custom Field $data['custom_fields'] = array(); if ( isset( $_POST['stripeCustomField'] ) ) { $data['custom_fields'][] = array( 'name' => sanitize_text_field( $_POST['stripeCustomFieldName'] ), 'value' => sanitize_text_field( $_POST['stripeCustomField'] ), ); } $data['custom_fields'] = apply_filters( 'asp_process_custom_fields', $data['custom_fields'], $data ); //Filter so addons can modify applied variations if needed $variations = apply_filters( 'asp_filter_variations_display', $variations, $data ); ob_start(); ASP_Debug_Logger::log( 'Getting API keys and trying to create a charge.' ); ASP_Utils::load_stripe_lib(); if ( $data['is_live'] ) { $sec_key = $asp_class->APISecKeyLive; } else { $sec_key = $asp_class->APISecKeyTest; } \Stripe\Stripe::setApiKey( $sec_key ); //let addons process payment if needed ASP_Debug_Logger::log( 'Firing pre-payment hook.' ); $data = apply_filters( 'asp_process_charge', $data ); if ( empty( $data['charge'] ) && $amount_in_cents == 0 ) { //looks like we have zero amount. We won't be really processing the charge as it would result in error, //so we just make it look like it was actually processed. $data['charge'] = new stdClass(); $data['charge']->id = 0; $data['charge']->created = time(); } if ( empty( $data['charge'] ) ) { ASP_Debug_Logger::log( 'Processing payment.' ); try { $charge_opts = array( 'amount' => $amount_in_cents, 'currency' => $currencyCodeType, 'description' => $charge_description, ); //Check if we need to add Receipt Email parameter if ( isset( $opt['stripe_receipt_email'] ) && $opt['stripe_receipt_email'] == 1 ) { $charge_opts['receipt_email'] = $stripeEmail; } //Check if we need to add Don't Save Card parameter if ( $opt['dont_save_card'] == 1 ) { $charge_opts['source'] = $stripeToken; } else { $customer_data = array( 'email' => $stripeEmail, 'card' => $stripeToken, ); $customer_data = apply_filters( 'asp_customer_data_before_create', $customer_data ); $customer = \Stripe\Customer::create( $customer_data ); $charge_opts['customer'] = $customer->id; } $charge_opts['metadata'] = array(); //Check if we need to include custom field in metadata if ( ! empty( $data['custom_fields'] ) ) { $cfStr = ''; foreach ( $data['custom_fields'] as $cf ) { $cfStr .= $cf['name'] . ': ' . $cf['value'] . ' | '; } $cfStr = rtrim( $cfStr, ' | ' ); //trim the string as metadata value cannot exceed 500 chars $cfStr = substr( $cfStr, 0, 499 ); $charge_opts['metadata']['Custom Fields'] = $cfStr; } //Check if we need to include variations data into metadata if ( ! empty( $variations ) ) { $varStr = ''; foreach ( $variations as $variation ) { $varStr .= '[' . $variation[0] . '], '; } $varStr = rtrim( $varStr, ', ' ); //trim the string as metadata value cannot exceed 500 chars $varStr = substr( $varStr, 0, 499 ); $charge_opts['metadata']['Variations'] = $varStr; } //Shipping address data (if any) $shipping_address = ''; $shipping_address .= isset( $_POST['stripeShippingName'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $_POST['stripeShippingName'] ) . "\n" : ''; $shipping_address .= isset( $_POST['stripeShippingAddressLine1'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $_POST['stripeShippingAddressLine1'] ) . "\n" : ''; $shipping_address .= isset( $_POST['stripeShippingAddressApt'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $_POST['stripeShippingAddressApt'] ) . "\n" : ''; $shipping_address .= isset( $_POST['stripeShippingAddressZip'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $_POST['stripeShippingAddressZip'] ) . "\n" : ''; $shipping_address .= isset( $_POST['stripeShippingAddressCity'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $_POST['stripeShippingAddressCity'] ) . "\n" : ''; $shipping_address .= isset( $_POST['stripeShippingAddressState'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $_POST['stripeShippingAddressState'] ) . "\n" : ''; $shipping_address .= isset( $_POST['stripeShippingAddressCountry'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $_POST['stripeShippingAddressCountry'] ) . "\n" : ''; $data['shipping_address'] = $shipping_address; if ( ! empty( $shipping_address ) ) { //add shipping address to metadata $shipping_address = str_replace( "\n", ', ', $shipping_address ); $shipping_address = rtrim( $shipping_address, ', ' ); $charge_opts['metadata']['Shipping Address'] = $shipping_address; } $data['charge'] = \Stripe\Charge::create( $charge_opts ); } catch ( Exception $e ) { //If the charge fails (payment unsuccessful), this code will get triggered. if ( ! empty( $data['charge']->failure_code ) ) { $err_msg = $data['charge']->failure_code . ': ' . $data['charge']->failure_message; } else { $err_msg = $e->getMessage(); } $this->ipn_completed( $err_msg ); } } //Grab the charge ID and set it as the transaction ID. $txn_id = $data['charge']->id; //$charge->balance_transaction; //Core transaction data $data['txn_id'] = $txn_id; //The Stripe charge ID $post_data = $data; //Billing address data (if any) $billing_address = ''; $billing_address .= isset( $_POST['stripeBillingName'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $_POST['stripeBillingName'] ) . "\n" : ''; $billing_address .= isset( $_POST['stripeBillingAddressLine1'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $_POST['stripeBillingAddressLine1'] ) . "\n" : ''; $billing_address .= isset( $_POST['stripeBillingAddressApt'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $_POST['stripeBillingAddressApt'] ) . "\n" : ''; $billing_address .= isset( $_POST['stripeBillingAddressZip'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $_POST['stripeBillingAddressZip'] ) . "\n" : ''; $billing_address .= isset( $_POST['stripeBillingAddressCity'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $_POST['stripeBillingAddressCity'] ) . "\n" : ''; $billing_address .= isset( $_POST['stripeBillingAddressState'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $_POST['stripeBillingAddressState'] ) . "\n" : ''; $billing_address .= isset( $_POST['stripeBillingAddressCountry'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $_POST['stripeBillingAddressCountry'] ) . "\n" : ''; if ( empty( $billing_address ) && ( isset( $data['product_id'] ) && get_post_meta( $data['product_id'], 'asp_product_collect_billing_addr', true ) ) ) { //let's try to fetch billing address from payment data $billing_address .= ! empty( $data['charge']->source->name ) ? $data['charge']->source->name . "\n" : ''; $_POST['stripeBillingName'] = ! empty( $billing_address ) ? $billing_address : null; $billing_address .= ! empty( $data['charge']->source->address_line1 ) ? $data['charge']->source->address_line1 . "\n" : ''; $billing_address .= ! empty( $data['charge']->source->address_line2 ) ? $data['charge']->source->address_line2 . "\n" : ''; $billing_address .= ! empty( $data['charge']->source->address_zip ) ? $data['charge']->source->address_zip . "\n" : ''; $billing_address .= ! empty( $data['charge']->source->address_city ) ? $data['charge']->source->address_city . "\n" : ''; $billing_address .= ! empty( $data['charge']->source->address_state ) ? $data['charge']->source->address_state . "\n" : ''; $billing_address .= ! empty( $data['charge']->source->address_country ) ? $data['charge']->source->address_country . "\n" : ''; } $post_data['billing_address'] = $billing_address; //get customer name $name = isset( $_POST['stripeBillingName'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $_POST['stripeBillingName'] ) : ''; if ( empty( $name ) && ! empty( $data['charge']->source->name ) ) { $name = $data['charge']->source->name; } $post_data['customer_name'] = $name; $purchase_date = date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', $data['charge']->created ); $purchase_date = get_date_from_gmt( $purchase_date, get_option( 'date_format' ) . ', ' . get_option( 'time_format' ) ); $post_data['purchase_date'] = $purchase_date; $post_data['additional_items'] = array(); //check if we need to add variations if ( ! empty( $variations ) ) { foreach ( $variations as $variation ) { $post_data['additional_items'][ $variation[0] ] = $variation[1]; } } //check if we need to increase redeem coupon count if ( isset( $coupon ) && $coupon['valid'] ) { $curr_redeem_cnt = get_post_meta( $coupon['id'], 'asp_coupon_red_count', true ); $curr_redeem_cnt++; update_post_meta( $coupon['id'], 'asp_coupon_red_count', $curr_redeem_cnt ); if ( isset( $data['is_trial'] ) ) { //trial Subscription $coupon['discountAmount'] = 0; $data['discount_item_price'] = 0; } $post_data['coupon'] = $coupon; $post_data['additional_items'][ sprintf( __( 'Coupon "%s"', 'stripe-payments' ), $coupon['code'] ) ] = floatval( '-' . $coupon['discountAmount'] ); $post_data['additional_items'][ __( 'Subtotal', 'stripe-payments' ) ] = $data['discount_item_price']; } if ( isset( $tax ) && ! empty( $tax ) ) { $taxStr = apply_filters( 'asp_customize_text_msg', __( 'Tax', 'stripe-payments' ), 'tax_str' ); $post_data['additional_items'][ ucfirst( $taxStr ) ] = $tax_amt; $post_data['tax_perc'] = $tax; $post_data['tax'] = $tax_amt; } if ( isset( $shipping ) && ! empty( $shipping ) ) { $shipStr = apply_filters( 'asp_customize_text_msg', __( 'Shipping', 'stripe-payments' ), 'shipping_str' ); $post_data['additional_items'][ ucfirst( $shipStr ) ] = $shipping; $post_data['shipping'] = $shipping; } //Insert the order data to the custom post $dont_create_order = $asp_class->get_setting( 'dont_create_order' ); if ( ! $dont_create_order ) { $order = new ASP_Order_Item(); $order->create( empty( $data['product_id'] ) ? 0 : $data['product_id'] ); $order_post_id = $order->update_legacy( $post_data, $data['charge'] ); $order->change_status( 'paid' ); $post_data['order_post_id'] = $order_post_id; } // handle download item url $item_url = apply_filters( 'asp_item_url_process', $item_url, $post_data ); $item_url = base64_decode( $item_url ); $post_data['item_url'] = $item_url; if ( ! empty( $varApplied ) ) { //process variations URLs if needed foreach ( $varApplied as $key => $var ) { if ( ! empty( $var['url'] ) ) { $var = apply_filters( 'asp_variation_url_process', $var, $post_data ); $varApplied[ $key ] = $var; } } } //add variations to the resulting array $post_data['var_applied'] = $varApplied; ASP_Debug_Logger::log( 'Firing post-payment hooks.' ); //Action hook with the checkout post data parameters. do_action( 'asp_stripe_payment_completed', $post_data, $data['charge'] ); //insert payment data into order info if ( isset( $order_post_id ) ) { update_post_meta( $order_post_id, 'order_data', $post_data ); update_post_meta( $order_post_id, 'charge_data', $data['charge'] ); } //Action hook with the order object. if ( ! $dont_create_order ) { do_action( 'AcceptStripePayments_payment_completed', $order, $data['charge'] ); } if ( ! empty( $data['product_id'] ) ) { //check if we need to deal with stock if ( get_post_meta( $data['product_id'], 'asp_product_enable_stock', true ) ) { $stock_items = intval( get_post_meta( $data['product_id'], 'asp_product_stock_items', true ) ); $stock_items = $stock_items - $data['item_quantity']; if ( $stock_items < 0 ) { $stock_items = 0; } update_post_meta( $data['product_id'], 'asp_product_stock_items', $stock_items ); $data['stock_items'] = $stock_items; } } //Let's handle email sending stuff if ( isset( $opt['send_emails_to_buyer'] ) ) { if ( $opt['send_emails_to_buyer'] ) { $from = $opt['from_email_address']; $to = $post_data['stripeEmail']; $subj = $opt['buyer_email_subject']; $body = asp_apply_dynamic_tags_on_email_body( $opt['buyer_email_body'], $post_data ); $subj = apply_filters( 'asp_buyer_email_subject', $subj, $post_data ); $body = apply_filters( 'asp_buyer_email_body', $body, $post_data ); $from = apply_filters( 'asp_buyer_email_from', $from, $post_data ); $headers = array(); if ( ! empty( $opt['buyer_email_type'] ) && $opt['buyer_email_type'] === 'html' ) { $headers[] = 'Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8'; $body = nl2br( $body ); } $headers[] = 'From: ' . $from; wp_mail( $to, $subj, $body, $headers ); ASP_Debug_Logger::log( 'Notification email sent to buyer: ' . $to . ', From email address used: ' . $from ); } } if ( isset( $opt['send_emails_to_seller'] ) ) { if ( $opt['send_emails_to_seller'] ) { $from = $opt['from_email_address']; $to = $opt['seller_notification_email']; $subj = $opt['seller_email_subject']; $body = asp_apply_dynamic_tags_on_email_body( $opt['seller_email_body'], $post_data, true ); $subj = apply_filters( 'asp_seller_email_subject', $subj, $post_data ); $body = apply_filters( 'asp_seller_email_body', $body, $post_data ); $from = apply_filters( 'asp_seller_email_from', $from, $post_data ); $headers = array(); if ( ! empty( $opt['seller_email_type'] ) && $opt['seller_email_type'] === 'html' ) { $headers[] = 'Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8'; $body = nl2br( $body ); } $headers[] = 'From: ' . $from; wp_mail( $to, $subj, $body, $headers ); ASP_Debug_Logger::log( 'Notification email sent to seller: ' . $to . ', From email address used: ' . $from ); } } $post_data['charge_date_raw'] = $data['charge']->created; $charge_date = date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', $data['charge']->created ); $charge_date = get_date_from_gmt( $charge_date, get_option( 'date_format' ) . ', ' . get_option( 'time_format' ) ); $post_data['charge_date'] = $charge_date; $this->sess->set_transient_data( 'asp_data', $post_data ); $this->ipn_completed(); } } AcceptStripePayments_Process_IPN::get_instance(); function asp_apply_dynamic_tags_on_email_body( $body, $post, $seller_email = false ) { $product_details = __( 'Product Name', 'stripe-payments' ) . ': {item_name}' . "\n"; $product_details .= __( 'Quantity', 'stripe-payments' ) . ': {item_quantity}' . "\n"; $product_details .= __( 'Item Price', 'stripe-payments' ) . ': {item_price_curr}' . "\n"; //check if there are any additional items available like tax and shipping cost $product_details .= AcceptStripePayments::gen_additional_items( $post ); $product_details .= '--------------------------------' . "\n"; $product_details .= __( 'Total Amount', 'stripe-payments' ) . ': {purchase_amt_curr}' . "\n"; $varUrls = array(); // check if we have variations applied with download links if ( ! empty( $post['var_applied'] ) ) { foreach ( $post['var_applied'] as $var ) { if ( ! empty( $var['url'] ) ) { $varUrls[] = $var['url']; } } } $download_str = ''; if ( ! empty( $post['item_url'] ) ) { $download_str = "\n\n" . __( 'Download link', 'stripe-payments' ) . ': ' . $post['item_url']; } if ( ! empty( $varUrls ) ) { //show variations download link(s) //those links will replace the one set for the product if ( count( $varUrls ) === 1 ) { $download_str = __( 'Download link', 'stripe-payments' ) . ': '; } else { $download_str = __( 'Download links', 'stripe-payments' ) . ":\n"; } foreach ( $varUrls as $url ) { $download_str .= $url . "\n"; } } $product_details .= rtrim( $download_str, "\n" ); //Add link to order info if this is email to the seller if ( $seller_email && isset( $post['order_post_id'] ) ) { $product_details .= "\n\n" . __( 'Order Info: ', 'stripe-payments' ) . admin_url( 'post.php?post=' . $post['order_post_id'] . '&action=edit' ); } $post['product_details'] = $product_details; //Get the product variations (if any) $product_variations = AcceptStripePayments::gen_additional_items( $post ); $custom_field = ''; if ( isset( $post['custom_fields'] ) ) { foreach ( $post['custom_fields'] as $cf ) { $custom_field .= $cf['name'] . ': ' . $cf['value'] . "\r\n"; } $custom_field = rtrim( $custom_field, "\r\n" ); } $curr = $post['currency_code']; $currencies = AcceptStripePayments::get_currencies(); if ( isset( $currencies[ $curr ] ) ) { $curr_sym = $currencies[ $curr ][1]; } else { $curr_sym = ''; } $item_price = AcceptStripePayments::formatted_price( $post['item_price'], false ); $item_price_curr = AcceptStripePayments::formatted_price( $post['item_price'], $post['currency_code'] ); $post['item_price_curr'] = $item_price_curr; $purchase_amt = AcceptStripePayments::formatted_price( $post['paid_amount'], false ); $purchase_amt_curr = AcceptStripePayments::formatted_price( $post['paid_amount'], $post['currency_code'] ); $post['purchase_amt_curr'] = $purchase_amt_curr; $tax = 0; $tax_amt = 0; $shipping = 0; if ( isset( $post['tax_perc'] ) && ! empty( $post['tax_perc'] ) ) { $tax = $post['tax_perc'] . '%'; } if ( isset( $post['tax'] ) && ! empty( $post['tax'] ) ) { $tax_amt = AcceptStripePayments::formatted_price( $post['tax'], $post['currency_code'] ); } if ( isset( $post['shipping'] ) && ! empty( $post['shipping'] ) ) { $shipping = AcceptStripePayments::formatted_price( $post['shipping'], $post['currency_code'] ); } if ( isset( $post['charge']->object ) && 'charge' !== $post['charge']->object ) { //this is most likely subs product $ipn = ASP_Process_IPN_NG::get_instance(); if ( isset( $ipn->p_data ) ) { $obj = $ipn->p_data->get_obj(); if ( isset( $obj->latest_invoice ) && isset( $obj->latest_invoice->charge ) && is_object( $obj->latest_invoice->charge ) ) { $post['charge'] = $obj->latest_invoice->charge; } } } $pm_type = ''; $card_brand = ''; $card_last4 = ''; if ( isset( $post['charge']->object ) && 'charge' === $post['charge']->object ) { $pm_type = $post['charge']->payment_method_details->type; if ( isset( $post['charge']->payment_method_details->card ) ) { $card_brand = $post['charge']->payment_method_details->card->brand; $card_last4 = $post['charge']->payment_method_details->card->last4; } } $first_name = ''; $last_name = ''; if ( ! empty( $post['customer_name'] ) ) { $parts = explode( ' ', $post['customer_name'], 2 ); $first_name = ! empty( $parts[0] ) ? $parts[0] : ''; $last_name = ! empty( $parts[1] ) ? $parts[1] : ''; } $tags = array( '{item_name}', '{item_short_desc}', '{item_quantity}', '{item_url}', '{payer_email}', '{customer_name}', '{first_name}', '{last_name}', '{transaction_id}', '{item_price}', '{item_price_curr}', '{purchase_amt}', '{purchase_amt_curr}', '{tax}', '{tax_amt}', '{shipping_amt}', '{currency}', '{currency_code}', '{purchase_date}', '{shipping_address}', '{billing_address}', '{custom_field}', '{coupon_code}', '{card_brand}', '{card_last_4}', '{payment_method}', '{product_variations}', ); $vals = array( $post['item_name'], $post['charge_description'], $post['item_quantity'], ! empty( $post['item_url'] ) ? $post['item_url'] : '', $post['stripeEmail'], $post['customer_name'], $first_name, $last_name, $post['txn_id'], $item_price, $post['item_price_curr'], $purchase_amt, $post['purchase_amt_curr'], $tax, $tax_amt, $shipping, $curr_sym, $curr, $post['purchase_date'], isset( $post['shipping_address'] ) ? $post['shipping_address'] : '', isset( $post['billing_address'] ) ? $post['billing_address'] : '', $custom_field, ! empty( $post['coupon_code'] ) ? $post['coupon_code'] : '', $card_brand, $card_last4, $pm_type, $product_variations, ); //let's combine tags and vals into one array so we can apply filters on it $tags_vals = array( 'tags' => $tags, 'vals' => $vals, ); $tags_vals = apply_filters( 'asp_email_body_tags_vals_before_replace', $tags_vals, $post ); $tags = $tags_vals['tags']; $vals = $tags_vals['vals']; $product_details = str_replace( $tags, $vals, $product_details ); $tags[] = '{product_details}'; $vals[] = $product_details; $body = stripslashes( str_replace( $tags, $vals, $body ) ); //let's apply filters for email body $body = apply_filters( 'asp_email_body_after_replace', $body ); //make tags and vals available for checkout results page by storing those in inner session if ( ! $seller_email ) { $sess = ASP_Session::get_instance(); $sess->set_transient_data( 'asp_checkout_data_tags', $tags ); $sess->set_transient_data( 'asp_checkout_data_vals', $vals ); } return $body; }