asp_main = AcceptStripePayments::get_instance(); add_action( 'init', array( $this, 'add_ajax_handlers' ), 2147483647 ); } } public function add_ajax_handlers() { add_action( 'wp_ajax_asp_pp_create_pi', array( $this, 'handle_create_pi' ) ); add_action( 'wp_ajax_nopriv_asp_pp_create_pi', array( $this, 'handle_create_pi' ) ); add_action( 'wp_ajax_asp_pp_confirm_pi', array( $this, 'handle_confirm_pi' ) ); add_action( 'wp_ajax_nopriv_asp_pp_confirm_pi', array( $this, 'handle_confirm_pi' ) ); add_action( 'wp_ajax_asp_3ds_result', array( $this, 'handle_3ds_result' ) ); add_action( 'wp_ajax_nopriv_asp_3ds_result', array( $this, 'handle_3ds_result' ) ); add_action( 'wp_ajax_asp_pp_save_form_data', array( $this, 'save_form_data' ) ); add_action( 'wp_ajax_nopriv_asp_pp_save_form_data', array( $this, 'save_form_data' ) ); add_action( 'wp_ajax_asp_pp_payment_error', array( $this, 'pp_payment_error' ) ); add_action( 'wp_ajax_nopriv_asp_pp_payment_error', array( $this, 'pp_payment_error' ) ); add_action( 'wp_ajax_asp_pp_check_coupon', array( $this, 'handle_check_coupon' ) ); add_action( 'wp_ajax_nopriv_asp_pp_check_coupon', array( $this, 'handle_check_coupon' ) ); } public function handle_3ds_result() { $pi_cs = filter_input( INPUT_GET, 'payment_intent_client_secret', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING ); $pi_cs = empty( $pi_cs ) ? '' : $pi_cs; ?> asp_main->get_setting('captcha_type'); if (empty( $captcha_type ) || $captcha_type == 'none' ) { //Captcha is not enabled. Lets check txn rate limiting. if($asp_daily_txn_counter_obj->asp_is_daily_txn_limit_reached()) { $out['err'] = __( 'Error occurred: The transaction limit that you have set in settings has been reached for the day.', 'stripe-payments' ); ASP_Debug_Logger::log($out['err'], false ); if($this->asp_main->get_setting("send_email_on_daily_txn_rate_limit")) { ASP_Utils::send_daily_txn_rate_limit_email($out['err']); } wp_send_json( $out ); } } else if($asp_daily_txn_counter_obj->asp_is_daily_tnx_limit_with_captcha_enabled()){ //Captcha is enabled. Lets check txn rate limiting. if ($asp_daily_txn_counter_obj->asp_is_daily_txn_limit_reached(true)) { $out['err'] = __('Error occurred: The transaction limit that you have set in settings (with captcha) has been reached for the day.', 'stripe-payments'); ASP_Debug_Logger::log($out['err'], false); if ($this->asp_main->get_setting("send_email_on_daily_txn_rate_limit")) { ASP_Utils::send_daily_txn_rate_limit_email($out['err']); } wp_send_json($out); } } $product_id = filter_input( INPUT_POST, 'product_id', FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT ); $item = new ASP_Product_Item( $product_id ); if ( $item->get_last_error() ) { $out['err'] = __( 'Error occurred:', 'stripe-payments' ) . ' ' . $item->get_last_error(); wp_send_json( $out ); } //Log initial confirm_pi debug logging data (if debug feature is enabled). $txn_counter_args = $asp_daily_txn_counter_obj->asp_get_daily_txn_counter_args(); $txn_counter_val = isset($txn_counter_args['counter'])? $txn_counter_args['counter'] : '-'; $request_ip = ASP_Utils::get_user_ip_address(); $confirm_pi_initial_debug = 'handle_confirm_pi() - Product ID: ' . $product_id . ', Captcha Type: ' . $captcha_type . ', Txn Counter: ' . $txn_counter_val . ', IP: ' . $request_ip; ASP_Debug_Logger::log( $confirm_pi_initial_debug, true ); //End initial confirm_pi debug logging. //Check page load signature data if( !ASP_Utils_Bot_Mitigation::is_page_load_signature_data_valid($product_id) ){ //Signature is invalid. //Exit out if feature is enabled $disable_signature_check = $this->asp_main->get_setting( 'disable_page_load_signature_check' ); if ( $disable_signature_check ) { //The signature check feature is disabled. We will allow this request to go through. ASP_Debug_Logger::log( 'Notice! The page load signature check feature is disabled in the advanced settings menu so this request will not be blocked.', false ); } else { $out['err'] = __( 'Error! Page load signature check failed.', 'stripe-payments' ); wp_send_json( $out ); } } //Check request limit count per IP address if( !ASP_Utils_Bot_Mitigation::is_request_limit_reached_for_ip() ){ //Request limit reached for this IP. //Exit out if feature is enabled $disable_request_limit_check = $this->asp_main->get_setting( 'disable_request_limit_per_ip_check' ); if ( $disable_request_limit_check ) { //The request limit check feature is disabled. We will allow this request to go through. ASP_Debug_Logger::log( 'Notice! The transaction request limit per IP address feature is disabled in the advanced settings menu so this request will not be blocked.', false ); } else { $out['err'] = __( 'Error! Transaction request limit reached for this IP address.', 'stripe-payments' ); wp_send_json( $out ); } } $item = apply_filters( 'asp_ng_pp_product_item_override', $item ); //Trigger some action hooks (useful for other checks). do_action( 'asp_ng_before_token_request', $item ); //ASP_Debug_Logger::log( 'handle_confirm_pi() - Captcha response checked.', true ); //This hook will be used to do additional captcha (if enabled) parameter checks for bot mitigation. $params = array(); do_action( 'asp_ng_do_additional_captcha_response_check', $item, $params ); do_action( 'asp_ng_product_mode_keys', $product_id ); $pi_id = filter_input( INPUT_POST, 'pi_id', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING ); $opts = filter_input( INPUT_POST, 'opts', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING ); if ( ! empty( $opts ) ) { $opts = html_entity_decode( $opts ); $opts = json_decode( $opts, true ); } else { $opts = array(); } $opts['use_stripe_sdk'] = false; $home_url = admin_url( 'admin-ajax.php' ); $disable_3ds_iframe = $this->asp_main->get_setting( 'disable_3ds_iframe' ); if ( ! $disable_3ds_iframe ) { $url_opts = array( 'action' => 'asp_3ds_result' ); } else { $url_opts = array( 'action' => 'asp_next_action_results', 'is_live' => $this->asp_main->is_live, ); } $return_url = add_query_arg( $url_opts, $home_url ); $opts['return_url'] = $return_url; $opts = apply_filters( 'asp_ng_confirm_pi_opts', $opts, $pi_id ); try { ASP_Utils::load_stripe_lib(); $key = $this->asp_main->is_live ? $this->asp_main->APISecKey : $this->asp_main->APISecKeyTest; \Stripe\Stripe::setApiKey( $key ); $api = ASP_Stripe_API::get_instance(); $api->set_param( 'throw_exception', true ); $api->set_api_key( $key ); if ( ! ASP_Utils::use_internal_api() ) { $pi = \Stripe\PaymentIntent::retrieve( $pi_id ); } else { $pi = $api->get( 'payment_intents/' . $pi_id ); if ( false === $pi ) { $err = $api->get_last_error(); throw new \Exception( $err['message'], isset( $err['error_code'] ) ? $err['error_code'] : null ); } } if ( 'succeeded' === $pi->status ) { $out['pi_id'] = $pi->id; wp_send_json( $out ); } if ( ! ASP_Utils::use_internal_api() ) { $pi->confirm( $opts ); } else { $pi = $api->post( 'payment_intents/' . $pi_id . '/confirm', $opts ); if ( false === $pi ) { $err = $api->get_last_error(); throw new \Exception( $err['message'], isset( $err['error_code'] ) ? $err['error_code'] : null ); } } } catch ( \Throwable $e ) { $out['err'] = __( 'Stripe API error occurred:', 'stripe-payments' ) . ' ' . $e->getMessage(); $order = new ASP_Order_Item(); if ( false !== $order->find( 'pi_id', $pi_id ) ) { $order->change_status( 'error', $out['err'] ); } $body = __( 'Following error occurred during payment processing:', 'stripe-payments' ) . "\r\n\r\n"; $body .= $out['err'] . "\r\n\r\n"; $body .= __( 'Debug data:', 'stripe-payments' ) . "\r\n"; $post_data = filter_var( $_POST, FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING, FILTER_REQUIRE_ARRAY ); $post_data_str = http_build_query( $post_data, '', '; ' ); $body .= $post_data_str; ASP_Debug_Logger::log( __( 'Following error occurred during payment processing:', 'stripe-payments' ) . ' ' . $out['err'], false ); ASP_Utils::send_error_email( $body ); wp_send_json( $out ); } $out['pi_id'] = $pi->id; if ( isset( $pi->next_action ) ) { $out['redirect_to'] = $pi->next_action->redirect_to_url->url; $out['use_iframe'] = ! $disable_3ds_iframe; } $out = apply_filters( 'asp_ng_confirm_pi_result_out', $out, $pi_id ); wp_send_json( $out ); } public function handle_create_pi() { $out = array(); $out['success'] = false; $product_id = filter_input( INPUT_POST, 'product_id', FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT ); $amount = filter_input( INPUT_POST, 'amount', FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_FLOAT ); $curr = filter_input( INPUT_POST, 'curr', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING ); $pi_id = filter_input( INPUT_POST, 'pi', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING ); $cust_id = filter_input( INPUT_POST, 'cust_id', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING ); $quantity = filter_input( INPUT_POST, 'quantity', FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT ); $nonce = filter_input( INPUT_POST, 'nonce', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING ); //Check create_pi nonce if ( ! wp_verify_nonce( $nonce, 'asp_pp_ajax_create_pi_nonce' ) ) { $out['err'] = __( 'Error occurred: Nonce security verification failed.', 'stripe-payments' ); wp_send_json( $out ); } $asp_daily_txn_counter_obj = new ASP_Daily_Txn_Counter(); $captcha_type = $this->asp_main->get_setting('captcha_type'); if (empty($captcha_type) || $captcha_type == 'none') { //Captcha is not enabled. Lets check txn rate limiting. if ($asp_daily_txn_counter_obj->asp_is_daily_txn_limit_reached()) { $out['err'] = __('Error occurred: The transaction limit that you have set in settings has been reached for the day.', 'stripe-payments'); ASP_Debug_Logger::log($out['err'], false); if ($this->asp_main->get_setting("send_email_on_daily_txn_rate_limit")) { ASP_Utils::send_daily_txn_rate_limit_email($out['err']); } wp_send_json($out); } } else if ($asp_daily_txn_counter_obj->asp_is_daily_tnx_limit_with_captcha_enabled()) { //Captcha is enabled. Lets check txn rate limiting. if ($asp_daily_txn_counter_obj->asp_is_daily_txn_limit_reached(true)) { $out['err'] = __('Error occurred: The transaction limit that you have set in settings (with captcha) has been reached for the day.', 'stripe-payments'); ASP_Debug_Logger::log($out['err'], false); if ($this->asp_main->get_setting("send_email_on_daily_txn_rate_limit")) { ASP_Utils::send_daily_txn_rate_limit_email($out['err']); } wp_send_json($out); } } //Log initial create_pi debug logging data (if debug feature is enabled). $txn_counter_args = $asp_daily_txn_counter_obj->asp_get_daily_txn_counter_args(); $txn_counter_val = isset($txn_counter_args['counter'])? $txn_counter_args['counter'] : '-'; $request_ip = ASP_Utils::get_user_ip_address(); $create_pi_initial_debug = 'handle_create_pi() - Product ID: ' . $product_id . ', Captcha Type: ' . $captcha_type . ', Txn Counter: ' . $txn_counter_val . ', IP: ' . $request_ip; ASP_Debug_Logger::log( $create_pi_initial_debug, true ); //End initial create_pi debug logging. //Check page load signature data if( !ASP_Utils_Bot_Mitigation::is_page_load_signature_data_valid($product_id) ){ //Signature is invalid. //Exit out if feature is enabled $disable_signature_check = $this->asp_main->get_setting( 'disable_page_load_signature_check' ); if ( $disable_signature_check ) { //The signature check feature is disabled. We will allow this request to go through. ASP_Debug_Logger::log( 'Notice! The page load signature check feature is disabled in the advanced settings menu so this request will not be blocked.', false ); } else { $out['err'] = __( 'Error! Page load signature check failed.', 'stripe-payments' ); wp_send_json( $out ); } } //Check request usage count per IP address if( !ASP_Utils_Bot_Mitigation::is_request_limit_reached_for_ip() ){ //Request limit reached for this IP. //Exit out if feature is enabled $disable_request_limit_check = $this->asp_main->get_setting( 'disable_request_limit_per_ip_check' ); if ( $disable_request_limit_check ) { //The request limit check feature is disabled. We will allow this request to go through. ASP_Debug_Logger::log( 'Notice! The transaction request limit per IP address feature is disabled in the advanced settings menu so this request will not be blocked.', false ); } else { $out['err'] = __( 'Error! Transaction request limit reached for this IP address.', 'stripe-payments' ); wp_send_json( $out ); } } $item = new ASP_Product_Item( $product_id ); if ( $item->get_last_error() ) { $out['err'] = __( 'Error occurred:', 'stripe-payments' ) . ' ' . $item->get_last_error(); wp_send_json( $out ); } if ( $item->stock_control_enabled() ) { $stock_items = $item->get_stock_items(); $out['stock_items'] = $stock_items; if ( $quantity > $stock_items ) { // translators: %d is number of items in stock $msg = apply_filters( 'asp_customize_text_msg', __( 'You cannot order more items than available: %d', 'stripe-payments' ), 'stock_not_available' ); $out['err'] = sprintf( $msg, $stock_items ); wp_send_json( $out ); } } $min_amount = $item->get_min_amount( true ); $prod_type = $item->get_type(); if ( 'donation' === $prod_type && 0 !== $min_amount && $min_amount > $amount ) { $msg = apply_filters( 'asp_customize_text_msg', __( 'Minimum amount is', 'stripe-payments' ), 'min_amount_is' ); $out['err'] = $msg . ' ' . ASP_Utils::formatted_price( $min_amount, $curr, true ); wp_send_json( $out ); } //Trigger some action hooks (useful for other checks). do_action( 'asp_ng_before_token_request', $item ); //ASP_Debug_Logger::log( 'handle_create_pi() - Captcha response checked.', true ); //This hook will be used to do additional captcha (if enabled) parameter checks for bot mitigation. $params = array(); do_action( 'asp_ng_do_additional_captcha_response_check', $item, $params ); do_action( 'asp_ng_product_mode_keys', $product_id ); try { ASP_Utils::load_stripe_lib(); $key = $this->asp_main->is_live ? $this->asp_main->APISecKey : $this->asp_main->APISecKeyTest; \Stripe\Stripe::setApiKey( $key ); $api = ASP_Stripe_API::get_instance(); $api->set_param( 'throw_exception', true ); $api->set_api_key( $key ); } catch ( \Exception $e ) { $out['err'] = __( 'Stripe API error occurred:', 'stripe-payments' ) . ' ' . $e->getMessage(); wp_send_json( $out ); } catch ( \Throwable $e ) { $out['err'] = __( 'Stripe API error occurred:', 'stripe-payments' ) . ' ' . $e->getMessage(); wp_send_json( $out ); } $metadata = array(); try { $pi_params = array( 'amount' => $amount, 'currency' => $curr, 'confirmation_method' => 'manual', ); $post_billing_details = filter_input( INPUT_POST, 'billing_details', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING ); $post_shipping_details = filter_input( INPUT_POST, 'shipping_details', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING ); if ( isset( $post_billing_details ) ) { $post_billing_details = html_entity_decode( $post_billing_details ); $billing_details = json_decode( $post_billing_details ); } $dont_save_card = $this->asp_main->get_setting( 'dont_save_card' ); if ( ! $dont_save_card ) { $customer_opts = array(); if ( isset( $billing_details ) ) { if ( ! empty( $billing_details->name ) ) { $customer_opts['name'] = $billing_details->name; } if ( ! empty( $billing_details->email ) ) { $customer_opts['email'] = $billing_details->email; } if ( isset( $billing_details->address ) && isset( $billing_details->address->line1 ) ) { //we have address $addr = array( 'line1' => $billing_details->address->line1, 'state' => isset( $billing_details->address->state ) ? $billing_details->address->state : null, 'city' => isset( $billing_details->address->city ) ? $billing_details->address->city : null, 'country' => isset( $billing_details->address->country ) ? $billing_details->address->country : null, ); if ( isset( $billing_details->address->postal_code ) ) { $addr['postal_code'] = $billing_details->address->postal_code; } $customer_opts['address'] = $addr; } } if ( isset( $post_shipping_details ) ) { $post_shipping_details = html_entity_decode( $post_shipping_details ); $shipping_details = json_decode( $post_shipping_details ); $shipping = array(); if ( $shipping_details->name ) { $shipping['name'] = $shipping_details->name; } elseif ( ! empty( $customer_opts['name'] ) ) { $shipping['name'] = $customer_opts['name']; } if ( isset( $shipping_details->address ) && isset( $shipping_details->address->line1 ) ) { //we have address $addr = array( 'line1' => $shipping_details->address->line1, 'state' => isset( $shipping_details->address->state ) ? $shipping_details->address->state : null, 'city' => isset( $shipping_details->address->city ) ? $shipping_details->address->city : null, 'country' => isset( $shipping_details->address->country ) ? $shipping_details->address->country : null, ); if ( isset( $shipping_details->address->postal_code ) ) { $addr['postal_code'] = $shipping_details->address->postal_code; } $shipping['address'] = $addr; if ( ! empty( $shipping['name'] ) ) { $customer_opts['shipping'] = $shipping; } } } $customer_opts = apply_filters( 'asp_ng_before_customer_create_update', $customer_opts, empty( $cust_id ) ? false : $cust_id ); if ( empty( $cust_id ) ) { if ( ASP_Utils::use_internal_api() ) { $api = ASP_Stripe_API::get_instance(); $api->set_param( 'throw_exception', true ); $customer = $api->post( 'customers', $customer_opts ); } else { $customer = \Stripe\Customer::create( $customer_opts ); } $cust_id = $customer->id; } else { if ( ASP_Utils::use_internal_api() ) { $api = ASP_Stripe_API::get_instance(); $api->set_param( 'throw_exception', true ); $customer = $api->post( 'customers/' . $cust_id, $customer_opts ); } else { $customer = \Stripe\Customer::update( $cust_id, $customer_opts ); } } $pi_params['customer'] = $cust_id; } $metadata['Product Name'] = $item->get_name(); $metadata['Product ID'] = $product_id; if ( isset( $metadata ) && ! empty( $metadata ) ) { $pi_params['metadata'] = $metadata; } $description = $item->get_description(); if ( ! empty( $description ) ) { $pi_params['description'] = $description; } else { $pi_params['description'] = $item->get_name(); } $stripe_receipt_email = $this->asp_main->get_setting( 'stripe_receipt_email' ); if ( $stripe_receipt_email ) { if ( isset( $billing_details ) && isset( $billing_details->email ) && ! empty( $billing_details->email ) ) { $pi_params['receipt_email'] = $billing_details->email; } } $order = new ASP_Order_Item(); if ( $order->can_create( $product_id ) ) { if ( ! $pi_id ) { //create new incomplete order for this payment $order->create( $product_id, $pi_id ); } else { //find order for this PaymentIntent $order->find( 'pi_id', $pi_id ); } } $pi_params = apply_filters( 'asp_ng_before_pi_create_update', $pi_params ); if ( $pi_id ) { if ( ASP_Utils::use_internal_api() ) { $api = ASP_Stripe_API::get_instance(); $api->set_param( 'throw_exception', true ); $intent = $api->post( 'payment_intents/' . $pi_id, $pi_params ); } else { $intent = \Stripe\PaymentIntent::update( $pi_id, $pi_params ); } } else { if ( ASP_Utils::use_internal_api() ) { $api = ASP_Stripe_API::get_instance(); $api->set_param( 'throw_exception', true ); $intent = $api->post( 'payment_intents', $pi_params ); } else { $intent = \Stripe\PaymentIntent::create( $pi_params ); } } } catch ( \Exception $e ) { $out['shipping'] = isset( $shipping ) ? wp_json_encode( $shipping ) : null; $out['err'] = __( 'Error occurred:', 'stripe-payments' ) . ' ' . $e->getMessage(); wp_send_json( $out ); } catch ( \Throwable $e ) { $out['shipping'] = isset( $shipping ) ? wp_json_encode( $shipping ) : null; $out['err'] = __( 'Error occurred:', 'stripe-payments' ) . ' ' . $e->getMessage(); wp_send_json( $out ); } if ( $order->get_id() ) { update_post_meta( $order->get_id(), 'pi_id', $intent->id ); } $out['success'] = true; $out['clientSecret'] = $intent->client_secret; $out['pi_id'] = $intent->id; $out['cust_id'] = $cust_id; $out = apply_filters( 'asp_ng_before_pi_result_send', $out, $intent ); wp_send_json( $out ); } public function save_form_data() { if ( ! check_ajax_referer( 'asp_pp_ajax_nonce', 'nonce', false ) ) { $out['err'] = __( 'Error occurred: Nonce verification failed on save_form_data().', 'stripe-payments' ); wp_send_json( $out ); } $out['success'] = true; $sess = ASP_Session::get_instance(); wp_parse_str( $_POST['form_data'], $form_data ); $filtered_form_data = array_map( 'sanitize_text_field', $form_data ); $sess->set_transient_data( 'asp_pp_form_data', $filtered_form_data ); //ASP_Debug_Logger::log( 'Saved form data: ' . json_encode( $filtered_form_data ) ); wp_send_json( $out ); } public function handle_check_coupon() { $product_id = filter_input( INPUT_POST, 'product_id', FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT ); $item = new ASP_Product_Item( $product_id ); if ( $item->get_last_error() ) { $out['err'] = __( 'Error occurred:', 'stripe-payments' ) . ' ' . $item->get_last_error(); wp_send_json( $out ); } $coupon_code = filter_input( INPUT_POST, 'coupon_code', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING ); $coupon_valid = $item->check_coupon( $coupon_code ); if ( ! $coupon_valid ) { $out['err'] = $item->get_last_error(); wp_send_json( $out ); } $coupon = $item->get_coupon(); $zero_value_id = str_replace( '.', '', uniqid( 'free_', true ) ); $coupon['zero_value_id'] = $zero_value_id; wp_send_json( $coupon ); } } new ASP_PP_Ajax();