response = new ResponseAjax($applicationType); parent::__construct($applicationType); } /** * @return ResponseAjax */ public function getResponse() { return $this->response; } public function validateToken() { if (!Form::checkToken()) { Notification::error(n2_('Security token mismatch. Please refresh the page!')); $this->response->error(); } } public function validatePermission($permission) { if (!$this->canDo($permission)) { Notification::error(n2_('You are not authorised to view this resource.')); $this->response->error(); } } public function validateVariable($condition, $property) { if (!$condition) { Notification::error(sprintf(n2_('Missing parameter: %s'), $property)); $this->response->error(); } } public function validateDatabase($condition, $showError = true) { if (!$condition) { Notification::error(n2_('Database error')); $this->response->error(); } } public function redirect($url, $statusCode = 302, $terminate = true) { $this->response->redirect($url); } }