'icon_counter', // shortcode base. 'presets' => array( // presets array. // 1. array( 'title' => 'Flip Horizontal From left', // Title of preset. 'default' => false, // set true if if want to load this preset on newly created element. 'settings' => array( 'flip_box_style' => 'advanced', 'box_border_style' => 'solid', 'box_border_size' => '1', 'icon' => 'Defaults-rocket', 'icon_size' => '110', 'icon_color' => '#de5034', 'block_title_front' => 'Quick & Easy', 'block_desc_front' => 'Built with you in mind, it\'s super clean, sleek and simply pleasure to use.', 'block_text_color' => '#444444', 'block_front_color' => '#f7f7f7', 'box_border_color' => '#e4e4e4', 'block_title_back' => 'Fully Documented', 'block_desc_back' => 'We give a lot of time and effort to ensure our users love to use our themes. It makes us smile. We give a lot of time and effort to ensure our', 'block_back_text_color' => '#444444', 'block_back_color' => '#f7f7f7', 'box_border_color_back' => '#eaeaea', 'custom_link' => '1', 'button_link' => 'url:%23||', 'button_text' => 'See Details!', 'button_bg' => '#de5034', 'button_txt' => '#ffffff', ), ), // end of preset. // 2. array( 'title' => 'Flip Horizontal Form Right', // Title of preset. 'default' => false, // set true if if want to load this preset on newly created element. 'settings' => array( 'flip_box_style' => 'advanced', 'box_border_style' => 'dashed', 'box_border_size' => '5', 'icon_type' => 'custom', 'icon_img' => '3162', 'img_width' => '90', 'block_title_front' => 'Frozen Custard', 'block_desc_front' => '$17.29', 'block_text_color' => '#ffffff', 'block_front_color' => '#ab1e17', 'box_border_color' => '#ab1e17', 'block_title_back' => 'More info', 'block_desc_back' => 'Sed porttitor lectus nibh. Praesent sapien massa.', 'block_back_text_color' => '#ffffff', 'block_back_color' => '#351908', 'box_border_color_back' => '#351908', 'custom_link' => '1', 'button_link' => 'url:%23||', 'button_text' => 'Buy Now!', 'button_bg' => '#543f2e', 'button_txt' => '#ffffff', ), ), // end of preset. // 3. array( 'title' => 'Flip Vertical From Top', // Title of preset. 'default' => false, // set true if if want to load this preset on newly created element. 'settings' => array( 'flip_type' => 'vertical_flip_bottom', 'flip_box_style' => 'advanced', 'box_border_style' => 'dashed', 'box_border_size' => '5', 'icon_type' => 'custom', 'icon_img' => '3163', 'img_width' => '90', 'block_title_front' => 'Valley Wines', 'block_desc_front' => '$15.50', 'block_text_color' => '#ffffff', 'block_front_color' => '#ab1e17', 'box_border_color' => '#ab1e17', 'block_title_back' => 'More info', 'block_desc_back' => 'Sed porttitor lectus nibh. Praesent sapien massa.', 'block_back_text_color' => '#ffffff', 'block_back_color' => '#351908', 'box_border_color_back' => '#351908', 'custom_link' => '1', 'button_link' => 'url:%23||', 'button_text' => 'Buy Now!', 'button_bg' => '#543f2e', 'button_txt' => '#ffffff', ), ), // end of preset. // 4. array( 'title' => 'Flip Vertical From Bottom', // Title of preset. 'default' => false, // set true if if want to load this preset on newly created element. 'settings' => array( 'flip_type' => 'vertical_flip_bottom', 'flip_box_style' => 'advanced', 'box_border_style' => 'dashed', 'box_border_size' => '5', 'icon_type' => 'custom', 'icon_img' => '3159', 'img_width' => '90', 'block_title_front' => 'Veggie Burger', 'block_desc_front' => '$10.99', 'block_text_color' => '#ffffff', 'block_front_color' => '#ab1e17', 'box_border_color' => '#ab1e17', 'block_title_back' => 'More info', 'block_desc_back' => 'Sed porttitor lectus nibh. Praesent sapien massa.', 'block_back_text_color' => '#ffffff', 'block_back_color' => '#351908', 'box_border_color_back' => '#351908', 'custom_link' => '1', 'button_link' => 'url:%23||', 'button_text' => 'Buy Now!', 'button_bg' => '#543f2e', 'button_txt' => '#ffffff', ), ), // end of preset. // 5. array( 'title' => 'Vertical Door Flip', // Title of preset. 'default' => false, // set true if if want to load this preset on newly created element. 'settings' => array( 'flip_type' => 'vertical_door_flip', 'flip_box_style' => 'advanced', 'box_border_style' => 'dashed', 'box_border_size' => '5', 'icon_type' => 'custom', 'icon_img' => '3160', 'img_width' => '90', 'block_title_front' => 'Belgian Pastry', 'block_desc_front' => '$17.29', 'block_text_color' => '#ffffff', 'block_front_color' => '#ab1e17', 'box_border_color' => '#ab1e17', 'block_title_back' => 'More info', 'block_desc_back' => 'Sed porttitor lectus nibh. Praesent sapien massa.', 'block_back_text_color' => '#ffffff', 'block_back_color' => '#351908', 'box_border_color_back' => '#351908', 'custom_link' => '1', 'button_link' => 'url:%23||', 'button_text' => 'Buy Now!', 'button_bg' => '#543f2e', 'button_txt' => '#ffffff', ), ), // end of preset. // 6. array( 'title' => 'Reverse Vertical Door Flip', // Title of preset. 'default' => false, // set true if if want to load this preset on newly created element. 'settings' => array( 'flip_type' => 'reverse_vertical_door_flip', 'flip_box_style' => 'advanced', 'box_border_style' => 'dashed', 'box_border_size' => '5', 'icon_type' => 'custom', 'icon_img' => '3164', 'img_width' => '90', 'block_title_front' => 'Pizza Romana', 'block_desc_front' => '$23.32', 'block_text_color' => '#ffffff', 'block_front_color' => '#ab1e17', 'box_border_color' => '#ab1e17', 'block_title_back' => 'More info', 'block_desc_back' => 'Sed porttitor lectus nibh. Praesent sapien massa.', 'block_back_text_color' => '#ffffff', 'block_back_color' => '#351908', 'box_border_color_back' => '#351908', 'custom_link' => '1', 'button_link' => 'url:%23||', 'button_text' => 'Buy Now!', 'button_bg' => '#543f2e', 'button_txt' => '#ffffff', ), ), // end of preset. // 7. array( 'title' => 'Book Flip', // Title of preset. 'default' => false, // set true if if want to load this preset on newly created element. 'settings' => array( 'flip_type' => 'style_9', 'flip_box_style' => 'advanced', 'box_border_style' => 'dashed', 'box_border_size' => '5', 'icon_type' => 'custom', 'icon_img' => '3161', 'img_width' => '90', 'block_title_front' => 'French Fries', 'block_desc_front' => '$17.29', 'block_text_color' => '#ffffff', 'block_front_color' => '#ab1e17', 'box_border_color' => '#ab1e17', 'block_title_back' => 'More info', 'block_desc_back' => 'Sed porttitor lectus nibh. Praesent sapien massa.', 'block_back_text_color' => '#ffffff', 'block_back_color' => '#351908', 'box_border_color_back' => '#351908', 'custom_link' => '1', 'button_link' => 'url:%23||', 'button_text' => 'Buy Now!', 'button_bg' => '#543f2e', 'button_txt' => '#ffffff', ), ), // end of preset. // 8. array( 'title' => 'Flip From Right', // Title of preset. 'default' => false, // set true if if want to load this preset on newly created element. 'settings' => array( 'flip_type' => 'flip_right', 'flip_box_style' => 'advanced', 'box_border_style' => 'dashed', 'box_border_size' => '5', 'icon_type' => 'custom', 'icon_img' => '3161', 'img_width' => '90', 'block_title_front' => 'French Fries', 'block_desc_front' => '$17.29', 'block_text_color' => '#ffffff', 'block_front_color' => '#ab1e17', 'box_border_color' => '#ab1e17', 'block_title_back' => 'More info', 'block_desc_back' => 'Sed porttitor lectus nibh. Praesent sapien massa.', 'block_back_text_color' => '#ffffff', 'block_back_color' => '#351908', 'box_border_color_back' => '#351908', 'custom_link' => '1', 'button_link' => 'url:%23||', 'button_text' => 'Buy Now!', 'button_bg' => '#543f2e', 'button_txt' => '#ffffff', ), ), // end of preset. // 9. array( 'title' => 'Flip From Left', // Title of preset. 'default' => false, // set true if if want to load this preset on newly created element. 'settings' => array( 'flip_type' => 'flip_left', 'flip_box_style' => 'advanced', 'box_border_style' => 'dashed', 'box_border_size' => '5', 'icon_type' => 'custom', 'icon_img' => '3164', 'img_width' => '90', 'block_title_front' => 'Pizza Romana', 'block_desc_front' => '$23.32', 'block_text_color' => '#ffffff', 'block_front_color' => '#ab1e17', 'box_border_color' => '#ab1e17', 'block_title_back' => 'More info', 'block_desc_back' => 'Sed porttitor lectus nibh. Praesent sapien massa.', 'block_back_text_color' => '#ffffff', 'block_back_color' => '#351908', 'box_border_color_back' => '#351908', 'custom_link' => '1', 'button_link' => 'url:%23||', 'button_text' => 'Buy Now!', 'button_bg' => '#543f2e', 'button_txt' => '#ffffff', ), ), // end of preset. // 10. array( 'title' => 'Flip From Bottom', // Title of preset. 'default' => false, // set true if if want to load this preset on newly created element. 'settings' => array( 'flip_type' => 'flip_bottom', 'flip_box_style' => 'advanced', 'box_border_style' => 'dashed', 'box_border_size' => '5', 'icon_type' => 'custom', 'icon_img' => '3161', 'img_width' => '90', 'block_title_front' => 'French Fries', 'block_desc_front' => '$17.29', 'block_text_color' => '#ffffff', 'block_front_color' => '#ab1e17', 'box_border_color' => '#ab1e17', 'block_title_back' => 'More info', 'block_desc_back' => 'Sed porttitor lectus nibh. Praesent sapien massa.', 'block_back_text_color' => '#ffffff', 'block_back_color' => '#351908', 'box_border_color_back' => '#351908', 'custom_link' => '1', 'button_link' => 'url:%23||', 'button_text' => 'Buy Now!', 'button_bg' => '#543f2e', 'button_txt' => '#ffffff', ), ), // end of preset. // 11. array( 'title' => 'Flip From Top', // Title of preset. 'default' => false, // set true if if want to load this preset on newly created element. 'settings' => array( 'flip_type' => 'flip_top', 'flip_box_style' => 'advanced', 'box_border_style' => 'dashed', 'box_border_size' => '5', 'icon_type' => 'custom', 'icon_img' => '3164', 'img_width' => '90', 'block_title_front' => 'Pizza Romana', 'block_desc_front' => '$23.32', 'block_text_color' => '#ffffff', 'block_front_color' => '#ab1e17', 'box_border_color' => '#ab1e17', 'block_title_back' => 'More info', 'block_desc_back' => 'Sed porttitor lectus nibh. Praesent sapien massa.', 'block_back_text_color' => '#ffffff', 'block_back_color' => '#351908', 'box_border_color_back' => '#351908', 'custom_link' => '1', 'button_link' => 'url:%23||', 'button_text' => 'Buy Now!', 'button_bg' => '#543f2e', 'button_txt' => '#ffffff', ), ), // end of preset. ), );