"ultimate_google_fonts", "heading" => __("Font Family", "smile"), "param_name" => "heading_font" ), 2) ultimate_google_fonts_style - for respective google font style or default style For Ex - array( "type" => "ultimate_google_fonts_style", "heading" => __("Font Style", "smile"), "param_name" => "heading_style" ), # In respective comoponent shortcode process function 1) Get font family - For Ex - $font_family = get_ultimate_font_family($heading_font); 2) Get font style - For Ex - $font_style = get_ultimate_font_style($heading_style); // deprecated since 3.7.0 - automatically detected font and enqueue accordingly 3) Enqueue the respective fonts - Note send number of font param as a parameter in array For Ex - $args = array( $heading_font ); enquque_ultimate_google_fonts($args); */ if ( ! class_exists( 'Ultimate_VC_Addons_Google_Font_Manager' ) ) { /** * Function that initializes Ultimate Parallax. * * @class Ultimate_VC_Addons_Google_Font_Manager */ class Ultimate_VC_Addons_Google_Font_Manager { /** * Constructor function that constructs default values for the Ultimate Parallax. * * @method __construct */ public function __construct() { add_option('ultimate_google_fonts', array(), '', false); add_option( 'ultimate_selected_google_fonts', array() ); add_action( 'wp_ajax_ultimate_google_fonts_refresh', array( $this, 'refresh_google_fonts_list' ) ); add_action( 'wp_ajax_get_google_fonts', array( $this, 'get_google_fonts_list' ) ); add_action( 'wp_ajax_add_google_font', array( $this, 'add_selected_google_font' ) ); add_action( 'wp_ajax_delete_google_font', array( $this, 'delete_selected_google_font' ) ); add_action( 'wp_ajax_update_google_font', array( $this, 'update_selected_google_font' ) ); add_action( 'wp_ajax_get_font_variants', array( $this, 'get_font_variants_callback' ) ); add_action( 'admin_enqueue_scripts', array( $this, 'enqueue_selected_ultimate_google_fonts' ) ); } /** * Google font manager menu. * * @since ---- * @access public */ public function google_font_manager_menu() { $current_theme = wp_get_theme(); if ( 'Smile' == $current_theme ) { $page = add_submenu_page( 'smile_dashboard', __( 'Google Font Manager', 'ultimate_vc' ), __( 'Google Fonts', 'ultimate_vc' ), 'administrator', 'Ultimate_VC_Addons_Font_Manager', array( $this, 'ultimate_font_manager_dashboard' ) ); } else { $page = add_submenu_page( 'bsf-dashboard', __( 'Google Font Manager', 'ultimate_vc' ), __( 'Google Fonts', 'ultimate_vc' ), 'administrator', 'ultimate-font-manager', array( $this, 'ultimate_font_manager_dashboard' ) ); } add_action( 'admin_print_scripts-' . $page, array( $this, 'admin_google_font_scripts' ) ); } /** * Google font admin scripts. * * @since ---- * @access public */ public function admin_google_font_scripts() { wp_register_script( 'ultimate-vc-addons-google-fonts-script', UAVC_URL . 'admin/js/google-fonts-admin.js', array( 'jquery' ), ULTIMATE_VERSION, false ); wp_enqueue_script( 'ultimate-vc-addons-google-fonts-script' ); wp_localize_script( 'ultimate-vc-addons-google-fonts-script', 'uavc', array( 'google_font_nonce' => wp_create_nonce( 'uavc-google-font-nonce' ), 'get_google_fonts' => wp_create_nonce( 'uavc-get-google-fonts-nonce' ), 'add_google_fonts' => wp_create_nonce( 'uavc-add-google-fonts-nonce' ), 'delete_google_fonts' => wp_create_nonce( 'uavc-delete-google-fonts-nonce' ), 'update_google_fonts' => wp_create_nonce( 'uavc-update-google-fonts-nonce' ), ) ); Ultimate_VC_Addons::ultimate_register_style( 'ultimate-vc-addons-google-fonts-style', UAVC_URL . 'admin/css/google-fonts-admin.css', true ); wp_enqueue_style( 'ultimate-vc-addons-google-fonts-style' ); } /** * Enqueue Google font. * * @since ---- * @access public */ public function enqueue_selected_ultimate_google_fonts() { $selected_fonts = get_option( 'ultimate_selected_google_fonts' ); $subset_main_array = array(); if ( ! empty( $selected_fonts ) ) { $count = count( $selected_fonts ); $font_call = ''; foreach ( $selected_fonts as $key => $sfont ) { $variants_array = array(); if ( 0 != $key ) { $font_call .= '|'; } $font_call .= $sfont['font_family']; if ( isset( $sfont['variants'] ) ) : $variants = $sfont['variants']; if ( ! empty( $variants ) ) { $font_call .= ':'; foreach ( $variants as $variant ) { $variant_selected = $variant['variant_selected']; if ( 'true' == $variant_selected || is_admin() ) { array_push( $variants_array, $variant['variant_value'] ); } } $variants_count = count( $variants_array ); if ( 0 != $variants_count ) { $font_call .= 'normal,'; } foreach ( $variants_array as $vkey => $variant ) { $font_call .= $variant; if ( ( $variants_count - 1 ) != $vkey && $variants_count > 0 ) { $font_call .= ','; } } } endif; if ( ! empty( $sfont['subsets'] ) ) { $subset_array = array(); foreach ( $sfont['subsets'] as $tsubset ) { if ( 'true' == $tsubset['subset_selected'] || true == $tsubset['subset_selected'] ) { array_push( $subset_main_array, $tsubset['subset_value'] ); } } } } $subset_string = ''; if ( ! empty( $subset_main_array ) ) { $subset_main_array = array_unique( $subset_main_array ); $subset_string = '&subset='; $subset_count = count( $subset_main_array ); $subset_main_array = array_values( $subset_main_array ); foreach ( $subset_main_array as $skey => $subset ) { if ( '' !== $subset ) { $subset_string .= $subset; if ( ( $skey != $subset_count - 1 ) ) { $subset_string .= ','; } } } } $font_call = str_replace( '||', '|', $font_call ); $link = 'https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=' . $font_call; $font_api_call = $link . $subset_string; wp_register_style( 'ultimate-vc-addons-selected-google-fonts-style', $font_api_call, array(), null );// @codingStandardsIgnoreLine. wp_enqueue_style( 'ultimate-vc-addons-selected-google-fonts-style' ); } } /** * Google font manager Dashboard menu. * * @since ---- * @access public */ public function ultimate_font_manager_dashboard() { ?>
$sfont ) { ?>
$svariants ) { $variant_style = $variant_font; if ( preg_match( '/italic/i', $svariants['variant_value'] ) ) { $variant_style .= 'font-style:italic;'; } $weight = 'normal'; if ( $weight = preg_replace( '/\D/', '', $svariants['variant_value'] ) ) { // @codingStandardsIgnoreLine. $variant_style .= 'font-weight:' . $weight . ';'; } $tlid = $lid . '-' . $svkey; ?>
$ssubset ) { $slid = $lid . '-subset-' . $sbkey; ?>
items; $google_font_count = count( is_countable( $google_fonts ) ? $google_fonts : array() ); update_option('ultimate_google_fonts',$google_fonts,false); $response['count'] = ( $google_font_count - $temp_count ); $response['message'] = __( ( $google_font_count - $temp_count ) . ' new fonts added. ', 'ultimate_vc' ); } else { $response['count'] = 0; $response['message'] = __( 'Fonts could not be downloaded as there might be some issue with file_get_contents or wp_remote_get due to your server configuration.', 'ultimate_vc' ); } echo wp_json_encode( $response ); die(); } /** * Get Google font list. * * @since ---- * @access public */ public function get_google_fonts_list() { if ( ! current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) ) { return false; } check_ajax_referer( 'uavc-get-google-fonts-nonce', 'security' ); $google_fonts = get_option( 'ultimate_google_fonts' ); $response = array(); $fonts = array(); $search = ''; if ( ! empty( $google_fonts ) ) : $selected_google_fonts = get_option( 'ultimate_selected_google_fonts' ); $temp_selected = array(); if ( ! empty( $selected_google_fonts ) ) { foreach ( $selected_google_fonts as $selected_font ) { array_push( $temp_selected, $selected_font['font_name'] ); } } $start_count = $_POST['start']; $fetch_count = $_POST['fetch']; $search = trim( $_POST['search'] ); $font_slice_array = array(); if ( '' != $search ) { $temp = array(); foreach ( $google_fonts as $tkey => $tfont ) { if ( stripos( $tfont->family, $search ) !== false ) { array_push( $temp, $google_fonts[ $tkey ] ); } } $font_slice_array = $temp; } else { $font_slice_array = array_slice( $google_fonts, $start_count, $fetch_count ); } $count = count( $font_slice_array ); foreach ( $font_slice_array as $key => $tempfont ) { $fontinfo = array(); if ( in_array( $tempfont->family, $temp_selected ) ) { $already_selected = 'true'; } else { $already_selected = 'false'; } $font_call = str_replace( ' ', '+', $tempfont->family ); $variants = $tempfont->variants; $subsets = $tempfont->subsets; $fontinfo = array( 'font_name' => $tempfont->family, 'font_call' => $font_call, 'variants' => $variants, 'subsets' => $subsets, 'selected' => $already_selected, ); array_push( $fonts, $fontinfo ); } endif; $response['fonts'] = $fonts; $response['fonts_count'] = count( is_countable( $google_fonts ) ? $google_fonts : array() ); if ( '' != $search ) { $response['is_search'] = 'true'; } else { $response['is_search'] = 'false'; } echo wp_json_encode( $response ); die(); } /** * Add selected Google font. * * @since ---- * @access public */ public function add_selected_google_font() { if ( ! current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) ) { return false; } check_ajax_referer( 'uavc-add-google-fonts-nonce', 'security' ); $font_family = $_POST['font_family']; $font_name = $_POST['font_name']; $variants = $_POST['variants']; $subsets = $_POST['subsets']; $fonts = get_option( 'ultimate_selected_google_fonts' ); if ( empty( $fonts ) ) { $fonts = array(); } $new_font = array( 'font_family' => $font_family, 'font_name' => $font_name, 'variants' => $variants, 'subsets' => $subsets, ); array_push( $fonts, $new_font ); update_option( 'ultimate_selected_google_fonts', $fonts ); echo 'Added'; die(); } /** * Delete selected Google font. * * @since ---- * @access public */ public function delete_selected_google_font() { if ( ! current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) ) { return false; } check_ajax_referer( 'uavc-delete-google-fonts-nonce', 'security' ); $font_name = $_POST['font_name']; $fonts = get_option( 'ultimate_selected_google_fonts' ); foreach ( $fonts as $key => $font ) { if ( $font['font_name'] == $font_name ) { unset( $fonts[ $key ] ); } } $fonts = array_values( $fonts ); update_option( 'ultimate_selected_google_fonts', $fonts ); echo 'Deleted'; die(); } /** * Update selected Google font. * * @since ---- * @access public */ public function update_selected_google_font() { if ( ! current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) ) { return false; } check_ajax_referer( 'uavc-update-google-fonts-nonce', 'security' ); $font_name = $_POST['font_name']; $variants = $_POST['variants']; $subsets = $_POST['subsets']; $fonts = get_option( 'ultimate_selected_google_fonts' ); foreach ( $fonts as $key => $font ) { if ( $font['font_name'] == $font_name ) { $fonts[ $key ]['variants'] = $variants; $fonts[ $key ]['subsets'] = $subsets; $x = $key; } } update_option( 'ultimate_selected_google_fonts', $fonts ); echo 'Updated'; die(); } /** * Get Google font callback. * * @since ---- * @access public */ public function get_font_variants_callback() { if ( ! current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) ) { return false; } check_ajax_referer( 'uavc-get-font-variants-nonce', 'security' ); $font_name = $_POST['font_name']; $fonts = get_option( 'ultimate_selected_google_fonts' ); $font_variants = array(); $json_variants = array(); $default_variant_styles = array( 0 => array( 'label' => 'Underline', 'style' => 'text-decoration:underline;', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'group' => 'ultimate_defaults_styles', 'class' => 'ultimate_defaults_styles', ), 1 => array( 'label' => 'Italic', 'style' => 'font-style:italic;', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'group' => 'ultimate_defaults_styles', 'class' => 'ultimate_defaults_styles', ), 2 => array( 'label' => 'Bold', 'style' => 'font-weight:bold;', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'group' => 'ultimate_defaults_styles', 'class' => 'ultimate_defaults_styles', ), ); foreach ( $fonts as $key => $font ) { if ( $font['font_name'] == $font_name ) { $font_variants = $fonts[ $key ]['variants']; } } if ( ! empty( $font_variants ) ) { $is_italic = false; $is_weight = false; $uniq_grp = uniqid( '_' ); $pre_default_variants = array(); foreach ( $font_variants as $key => $variant ) { if ( 'true' == $variant['variant_selected'] ) : $temp_array = array(); $is_weight = false; $is_italic = false; if ( preg_match( '/italic/i', $variant['variant_value'] ) && $weight = preg_replace( '/\D/', '', $variant['variant_value'] ) ) { // @codingStandardsIgnoreLine. $temp_array['label'] = $variant['variant_value']; $temp_array['style'] = 'font-style:italic;font-weight:' . $weight . ';'; $is_italic = true; $is_weight = true; } elseif ( preg_match( '/italic/i', $variant['variant_value'] ) ) { $temp_array['label'] = $variant['variant_value']; $temp_array['style'] = 'font-style:italic;'; $is_italic = true; } elseif ( $weight = preg_replace( '/\D/', '', $variant['variant_value'] ) ) { // @codingStandardsIgnoreLine. $temp_array['label'] = $variant['variant_value']; $temp_array['style'] = 'font-weight:' . $weight . ';'; $is_weight = true; } $temp_array['type'] = 'radio'; $temp_array['group'] = 'style_by_google' . $uniq_grp; $temp_array['class'] = 'style_by_google'; array_push( $json_variants, $temp_array ); endif; } array_push( $pre_default_variants, $default_variant_styles[0] ); // 2 for bold if ( false == $is_italic ) { array_push( $pre_default_variants, $default_variant_styles[1] ); // 2 for bold } if ( false == $is_weight ) { array_push( $pre_default_variants, $default_variant_styles[2] ); // 2 for bold } $json_variants = array_merge( $pre_default_variants, $json_variants ); } else { $json_variants = $default_variant_styles; } echo wp_json_encode( $json_variants ); die(); } } // Instantiate the Google Font Manager. new Ultimate_VC_Addons_Google_Font_Manager(); } if ( ! function_exists( 'enquque_ultimate_google_fonts' ) ) { /** * Enqueue Google font. * * @since ---- * @param mixed $enqueue_fonts enqip fonts. * @access public */ function enquque_ultimate_google_fonts( $enqueue_fonts ) { $selected_fonts = apply_filters( 'enquque_selected_ultimate_google_fonts_optimzed', get_option( 'ultimate_selected_google_fonts' ) ); $skip_font_enqueue = apply_filters( 'enquque_ultimate_google_fonts_skip', false ); if ( true == $skip_font_enqueue ) { return ''; } $fonts = array(); $subset_call = ''; if ( ! empty( $enqueue_fonts ) ) { foreach ( $enqueue_fonts as $key => $efont ) { $font_name = ''; $font_call = ''; $font_variant = ''; $font_arr = array(); $font_call_arr = array(); $font_weight_arr = array(); $font_arr = explode( '|', $efont ); if ( isset( $font_arr[1] ) ) { $font_call_arr = explode( ':', $font_arr[1] ); if ( isset( $font_arr[2] ) ) { $font_weight_arr = explode( ':', $font_arr[2] ); } if ( isset( $font_call_arr[1] ) && '' != $font_call_arr[1] ) { $font_call = $font_call_arr[1]; $font_name = $font_call_arr[1]; foreach ( $selected_fonts as $sfont ) { if ( $font_name == $sfont['font_family'] ) { if ( ! empty( $sfont['subsets'] ) ) { $subset_array = array(); foreach ( $sfont['subsets'] as $tsubset ) { if ( 'true' == $tsubset['subset_selected'] ) { array_push( $subset_array, $tsubset['subset_value'] ); } } if ( ! empty( $subset_array ) ) : $subset_call = '&subset='; $j = count( $subset_array ); foreach ( $subset_array as $subkey => $subset ) { $subset_call .= $subset; if ( ( $j - 1 ) != $subkey ) { $subset_call .= ','; } } endif; } } } if ( isset( $font_weight_arr[1] ) && '' != $font_weight_arr[1] ) { $font_variant = $font_weight_arr[1]; } $eq_name = str_replace( ' ', '-', $font_name ); if ( '' != $font_variant || 'regular' != $font_variant ) { $font_call .= ':' . $font_variant; $eq_name .= '-' . $font_variant; } $link = 'https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=' . $font_call . $subset_call; if ( ! wp_script_is( 'ultimate-vc-addons-' . $eq_name, 'registered' ) ) { wp_register_style( 'ultimate-vc-addons-' . $eq_name, $link );// @codingStandardsIgnoreLine. wp_enqueue_style( 'ultimate-vc-addons-' . $eq_name ); } elseif ( wp_script_is( 'ultimate-vc-addons-' . $eq_name, 'registered' ) ) { wp_enqueue_style( 'ultimate-vc-addons-' . $eq_name ); } } } else // font is without varients. { $eq_name = $font_arr[0]; $link = 'https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=' . $eq_name; if ( '' != $eq_name ) { if ( ! wp_script_is( 'ultimate-vc-addons-' . $eq_name, 'registered' ) ) { wp_register_style( 'ultimate-vc-addons-' . $eq_name, $link );// @codingStandardsIgnoreLine. wp_enqueue_style( 'ultimate-vc-addons-' . $eq_name ); } elseif ( wp_script_is( 'ultimate-vc-addons-' . $eq_name, 'registered' ) ) { wp_enqueue_style( 'ultimate-vc-addons-' . $eq_name ); } } } } } } } if ( ! function_exists( 'get_ultimate_font_family' ) ) { /** * Get ultimate font family. * * @since ---- * @param mixed $font_attributes attr variable. * @access public */ function get_ultimate_font_family( $font_attributes ) { if ( ! empty( $font_attributes ) ) { $font_family_arr = explode( '|', $font_attributes ); $font_family_str = $font_family_arr[0]; $font_family = explode( ':', $font_family_str ); if ( isset( $font_family[1] ) && '' != $font_family[1] ) { return $font_family[1]; } else { return ''; } } else { return ''; } } } if ( ! function_exists( 'get_ultimate_font_style' ) ) { /** * Get ultimate font style. * * @since ---- * @param mixed $font_style font style. * @access public */ function get_ultimate_font_style( $font_style ) { $weight_match = 0; $temp = ''; if ( '' != $font_style ) { $font_styles = explode( ',', $font_style ); // split by comma
. foreach ( $font_styles as $fstyle ) { $temp .= $fstyle; // convert to css. if ( preg_match( '/font-weight:/i', $fstyle ) ) { $weight_match++; } } } // hack to font weight to normal if font weight not available. if ( 0 == $weight_match ) { $temp .= 'font-weight:normal;'; } return $temp; } } if ( ! function_exists( 'enquque_ultimate_google_fonts_optimzed' ) ) { /** * Get enquque ultimate google fonts optimzed. * * @since ---- * @param mixed $enqueue_fonts enquip fonts. * @access public */ function enquque_ultimate_google_fonts_optimzed( $enqueue_fonts ) { $selected_fonts = apply_filters( 'enquque_selected_ultimate_google_fonts', get_option( 'ultimate_selected_google_fonts' ) ); $skip_font_enqueue = apply_filters( 'enquque_ultimate_google_fonts_skip', false ); if ( true == $skip_font_enqueue ) { return ''; } $main = array(); $subset_main_array = array(); $fonts = array(); $subset_call = ''; if ( ! empty( $enqueue_fonts ) ) { $font_count = 0; foreach ( $enqueue_fonts as $key => $efont ) { $font_name = ''; $font_call = ''; $font_variant = ''; $font_arr = array(); $font_call_arr = array(); $font_weight_arr = array(); $font_arr = explode( '|', $efont ); $font_name = trim( $font_arr[0] ); if ( ! isset( $main[ $font_name ] ) ) { $main[ $font_name ] = array(); } if ( ! empty( $font_name ) ) : $font_count++; if ( isset( $font_arr[1] ) ) { $font_call_arr = explode( ':', $font_arr[1] ); if ( isset( $font_arr[2] ) ) { $font_weight_arr = explode( ':', $font_arr[2] ); } if ( isset( $font_call_arr[1] ) && '' != $font_call_arr[1] ) { $font_variant = $font_call_arr[1]; $pre_font_call = $font_name; if ( '' != $font_variant && 'regular' !== $font_variant ) { $main[ $font_name ]['varients'][] = $font_variant; array_push( $main[ $font_name ]['varients'], $font_variant ); if ( ! empty( $main[ $font_name ]['varients'] ) ) { $main[ $font_name ]['varients'] = array_values( array_unique( $main[ $font_name ]['varients'] ) ); } } } } foreach ( $selected_fonts as $sfont ) { if ( $sfont['font_family'] == $font_name ) { if ( ! empty( $sfont['subsets'] ) ) { $subset_array = array(); foreach ( $sfont['subsets'] as $tsubset ) { if ( 'true' == $tsubset['subset_selected'] ) { array_push( $subset_array, $tsubset['subset_value'] ); } } if ( ! empty( $subset_array ) ) : $subset_call = ''; $j = count( $subset_array ); foreach ( $subset_array as $subkey => $subset ) { $subset_call .= $subset; if ( ( $j - 1 ) != $subkey ) { $subset_call .= ','; } } array_push( $subset_main_array, $subset_call ); endif; } } } endif; } $link = 'https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family='; $main_count = count( $main ); $mcount = 0; foreach ( $main as $font => $font_data ) { if ( '' !== $font ) { $link .= $font; if ( 'Open+Sans+Condensed' == $font && empty( $font_data['varients'] ) ) { $link .= ':300'; } if ( ! empty( $font_data['varients'] ) ) { $link .= ':regular,'; $varient_count = count( $font_data['varients'] ); foreach ( $font_data['varients'] as $vkey => $varient ) { $link .= $varient; if ( ( $varient_count - 1 ) != $vkey ) { $link .= ','; } } } if ( ! empty( $font_data['subset'] ) ) { $subset_string .= '&subset=' . $font_data['subset']; } if ( ( $main_count - 1 ) != $mcount ) { $link .= '|'; } $mcount++; } } $subset_string = ''; if ( ! empty( $subset_array ) ) { $subset_main_array = array_unique( $subset_main_array ); $subset_string = '&subset='; $subset_count = count( $subset_main_array ); $subset_main_array = array_values( $subset_main_array ); foreach ( $subset_main_array as $skey => $subset ) { if ( '' !== $subset ) { $subset_string .= $subset; if ( ( $subset_count - 1 ) != $skey ) { $subset_string .= ','; } } } } $font_api_call = $link . $subset_string; if ( $font_count > 0 ) { wp_enqueue_style( 'ultimate-vc-addons-google-fonts', $font_api_call, array(), null );// @codingStandardsIgnoreLine. } } } }