'none', 'opacity' => 'set', 'opacity_start_effect' => '', 'animation_duration' => '3', 'animation_delay' => '0', 'animation_iteration_count' => '1', 'inline_disp' => '', 'css' => '', 'el_class' => '', ), $atts ); $style = ''; $infi = ''; $mobile_opt = ''; $css_class = ''; $css_class = apply_filters( VC_SHORTCODE_CUSTOM_CSS_FILTER_TAG, vc_shortcode_custom_css_class( $ult_ua_settings['css'], ' ' ), 'ult_createlink', $atts ); $css_class = esc_attr( $css_class ); $ultimate_animation = get_option( 'ultimate_animation' ); if ( 'disable' == $ultimate_animation ) { $mobile_opt = 'ult-no-mobile'; } if ( '' !== $ult_ua_settings['inline_disp'] ) { $style .= 'display:inline-block;'; } if ( 'set' == $ult_ua_settings['opacity'] ) { $style .= 'opacity:0;'; $ult_ua_settings['el_class'] .= ' ult-animate-viewport '; $opacity_start_effect_data = 'data-opacity_start_effect="' . esc_attr( $ult_ua_settings['opacity_start_effect'] ) . '"'; } $inifinite_arr = array( 'InfiniteRotate', 'InfiniteDangle', 'InfiniteSwing', 'InfinitePulse', 'InfiniteHorizontalShake', 'InfiniteBounce', 'InfiniteFlash', 'InfiniteTADA' ); if ( 0 == $ult_ua_settings['animation_iteration_count'] || in_array( $ult_ua_settings['animation'], $inifinite_arr, true ) ) { $ult_ua_settings['animation_iteration_count'] = 'infinite'; $ult_ua_settings['animation'] = 'infinite ' . $ult_ua_settings['animation']; } $output .= '
'; $output .= do_shortcode( $content ); $output .= '
'; return $output; } /* end animate_shortcode()*/ /** * For vc map check * * @since ---- * @access public */ public function animate_shortcode_mapper() { if ( function_exists( 'vc_map' ) ) { vc_map( array( 'name' => __( 'Animation Block', 'ultimate_vc' ), 'base' => 'ult_animation_block', 'icon' => 'animation_block', 'class' => 'animation_block', 'as_parent' => array( 'except' => 'ult_animation_block' ), 'content_element' => true, 'controls' => 'full', 'show_settings_on_create' => true, 'category' => 'Ultimate VC Addons', 'description' => __( 'Apply animations everywhere.', 'ultimate_vc' ), 'params' => array( // add params same as with any other content element. array( 'type' => 'animator', 'class' => '', 'heading' => __( 'Animation', 'ultimate_vc' ), 'param_name' => 'animation', 'value' => '', ), array( 'type' => 'number', 'class' => '', 'heading' => __( 'Animation Duration', 'ultimate_vc' ), 'param_name' => 'animation_duration', 'value' => 3, 'min' => 1, 'max' => 100, 'suffix' => 's', 'description' => __( 'How long the animation effect should last. Decides the speed of effect.', 'ultimate_vc' ), ), array( 'type' => 'number', 'class' => '', 'heading' => __( 'Animation Delay', 'ultimate_vc' ), 'param_name' => 'animation_delay', 'value' => 0, 'min' => 1, 'max' => 100, 'suffix' => 's', 'description' => __( 'Delays the animation effect for seconds you enter above.', 'ultimate_vc' ), ), array( 'type' => 'number', 'class' => '', 'heading' => __( 'Animation Repeat Count', 'ultimate_vc' ), 'param_name' => 'animation_iteration_count', 'value' => 1, 'min' => 0, 'max' => 100, 'suffix' => '', 'description' => __( 'The animation effect will repeat to the count you enter above. Enter 0 if you want to repeat it infinitely.', 'ultimate_vc' ), ), array( 'type' => 'ult_switch', 'class' => '', 'heading' => __( 'Hide Elements Until Delay', 'ultimate_vc' ), 'param_name' => 'opacity', 'admin_label' => true, 'value' => 'set', 'default_set' => true, 'options' => array( 'set' => array( 'label' => __( 'If set to yes, the elements inside block will stay hidden until animation starts (depends on delay settings above).', 'ultimate_vc' ), 'on' => 'Yes', 'off' => 'No', ), ), ), array( 'type' => 'number', 'class' => '', 'heading' => __( 'Viewport Position', 'ultimate_vc' ), 'param_name' => 'opacity_start_effect', 'suffix' => '%', 'value' => '90', 'description' => __( 'The area of screen from top where animation effects will start working.', 'ultimate_vc' ), ), array( 'type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => __( 'Extra class name', 'ultimate_vc' ), 'param_name' => 'el_class', 'description' => __( 'If you wish to style particular content element differently, then use this field to add a class name and then refer to it in your css file.', 'ultimate_vc' ), ), array( 'type' => 'ult_param_heading', 'text' => "
" . __( 'Watch Video Tutorial', 'ultimate_vc' ) . "
", 'param_name' => 'notification', 'edit_field_class' => 'ult-param-important-wrapper ult-dashicon ult-align-right ult-bold-font ult-blue-font vc_column vc_col-sm-12', ), array( 'type' => 'css_editor', 'heading' => __( 'Css', 'ultimate_vc' ), 'param_name' => 'css', 'group' => __( 'Design ', 'ultimate_vc' ), 'edit_field_class' => 'vc_col-sm-12 vc_column no-vc-background no-vc-border creative_link_css_editor', ), ), 'js_view' => 'VcColumnView', ) );/* end vc_map*/ } /* end vc_map check*/ }//end animate_shortcode_mapper() } // Instantiate the class. new Ultimate_VC_Addons_Animation(); if ( class_exists( 'WPBakeryShortCodesContainer' ) && ! class_exists( 'WPBakeryShortCode_Ult_Animation_Block' ) ) { /** * Function that initializes Ultimate Animation Module * * @class WPBakeryShortCode_Ult_Animation_Block */ class WPBakeryShortCode_Ult_Animation_Block extends WPBakeryShortCodesContainer { } } }