$value ) { if ( ! empty( $value ) ) { if ( stripos( $value, '^' ) !== false ) { $tmvav_array = explode( '^', $value ); if ( is_array( $tmvav_array ) && ! empty( $tmvav_array ) ) { if ( ! empty( $tmvav_array ) ) { if ( isset( $tmvav_array[0] ) ) { $mainarr[ $tmvav_array[0] ] = ( isset( $tmvav_array[1] ) ) ? $tmvav_array[1] : ''; } } } } else { $mainarr['id'] = $temp_id; $mainarr['url'] = $temp_url; } } } } if ( '' != $data ) { switch ( $data ) { case 'url': // First - Priority for ID. if ( ! empty( $mainarr['id'] ) && 'null' != $mainarr['id'] ) { $image_url = ''; // Get image URL, If input is number - e.g. 100x48 / 140x40 / 350x53. if ( 1 === preg_match( '/^\d/', $size ) ) { $size = explode( 'x', $size ); // resize image using vc helper function - wpb_resize. $img = wpb_resize( $mainarr['id'], null, $size[0], $size[1], true ); if ( $img ) { $image_url = $img['url']; } } else { // Get image URL, If input is string - [thumbnail, medium, large, full]. $hasimage = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $mainarr['id'], $size ); // returns an array. $image_url = isset( $hasimage[0] ) ? $hasimage[0] : ''; } if ( isset( $image_url ) && ! empty( $image_url ) ) { $final = $image_url; } else { // Second - Priority for URL - get {image from url}. if ( isset( $mainarr['url'] ) ) { $final = uavc_get_url( $mainarr['url'] ); } } } else { // Second - Priority for URL - get {image from url}. if ( isset( $mainarr['url'] ) ) { $final = uavc_get_url( $mainarr['url'] ); } } break; case 'title': $final = isset( $mainarr['title'] ) ? $mainarr['title'] : get_post_meta( $mainarr['id'], '_wp_attachment_image_title', true ); break; case 'caption': $final = isset( $mainarr['caption'] ) ? $mainarr['caption'] : get_post_meta( $mainarr['id'], '_wp_attachment_image_caption', true ); break; case 'alt': $final = isset( $mainarr['alt'] ) ? $mainarr['alt'] : get_post_meta( $mainarr['id'], '_wp_attachment_image_alt', true ); break; case 'description': $final = isset( $mainarr['description'] ) ? $mainarr['description'] : get_post_meta( $mainarr['id'], '_wp_attachment_image_description', true ); break; case 'json': $final = wp_json_encode( $mainarr ); break; case 'sizes': $img_size = uavc_get_image_squere_size( $img_id, $img_size ); $img = wpb_getImageBySize( array( 'attach_id' => $img_id, 'thumb_size' => $img_size, 'class' => 'vc_single_image-img', ) ); $final = $img; break; case 'array': default: $final = $mainarr; break; } } } return $final; } add_filter( 'ult_get_img_single', 'uavc_img_single_init', 10, 3 ); } if ( ! function_exists( 'uavc_get_url' ) ) { /** * Ult_get_url. * * @param string $img Img. */ function uavc_get_url( $img ) { if ( isset( $img ) && ! empty( $img ) ) { return $img; } } } // USE THIS CODE TO SUPPORT CUSTOM SIZE OPTION. if ( ! function_exists( 'uavc_get_image_squere_size' ) ) { /** * GetImageSquereSize. * * @param string $img_id Image ID. * @param string $img_size Image Size. */ function uavc_get_image_squere_size( $img_id, $img_size ) { if ( preg_match_all( '/(\d+)x(\d+)/', $img_size, $sizes ) ) { $exact_size = array( 'width' => isset( $sizes[1][0] ) ? $sizes[1][0] : '0', 'height' => isset( $sizes[2][0] ) ? $sizes[2][0] : '0', ); } else { $image_downsize = image_downsize( $img_id, $img_size ); $exact_size = array( 'width' => $image_downsize[1], 'height' => $image_downsize[2], ); } if ( isset( $exact_size['width'] ) && (int) $exact_size['width'] !== (int) $exact_size['height'] ) { $img_size = (int) $exact_size['width'] > (int) $exact_size['height'] ? $exact_size['height'] . 'x' . $exact_size['height'] : $exact_size['width'] . 'x' . $exact_size['width']; } return $img_size; } } /* Ultimate Box Shadow */ if ( ! function_exists( 'uavc_get_box_shadow' ) ) { /** * GetImageSquereSize. * * @param string $content Content. * @param string $data Image Data. */ function uavc_get_box_shadow( $content = null, $data = '' ) { // e.g. horizontal:14px|vertical:20px|blur:30px|spread:40px|color:#81d742|style:inset|. $final = ''; if ( '' != $content ) { // Create an array. $mainstr = explode( '|', $content ); $string = ''; $mainarr = array(); if ( ! empty( $mainstr ) && is_array( $mainstr ) ) { foreach ( $mainstr as $key => $value ) { if ( ! empty( $value ) ) { $string = explode( ':', $value ); if ( is_array( $string ) ) { if ( ! empty( $string[1] ) && 'outset' != $string[1] ) { $mainarr[ $string[0] ] = $string[1]; } } } } } $rm_bar = str_replace( '|', '', $content ); $rm_colon = str_replace( ':', ' ', $rm_bar ); $rmkeys = str_replace( 'horizontal', '', $rm_colon ); $rmkeys = str_replace( 'vertical', '', $rmkeys ); $rmkeys = str_replace( 'blur', '', $rmkeys ); $rmkeys = str_replace( 'spread', '', $rmkeys ); $rmkeys = str_replace( 'color', '', $rmkeys ); $rmkeys = str_replace( 'style', '', $rmkeys ); $rmkeys = str_replace( 'outset', '', $rmkeys ); // Remove outset from style - To apply {outset} box. shadow. if ( '' != $data ) { switch ( $data ) { case 'data': $final = $rmkeys; break; case 'array': $final = $mainarr; break; case 'css': default: $final = 'box-shadow:' . $rmkeys . ';'; break; } } else { $final = 'box-shadow:' . $rmkeys . ';'; } } return $final; } add_filter( 'ultimate_getboxshadow', 'uavc_get_box_shadow', 10, 3 ); }