$gf = jQuery.noConflict(); $gf( document ).ready( function () { $gf( 'body' ).on( 'click', '#refresh-google-fonts', function () { $gf( this ).next( '.spinner' ).css( { display: 'inline-block', float: 'none', 'vertical-align': 'middle', visibility: 'visible', } ); const data = { action: 'ultimate_google_fonts_refresh', security: uavc.google_font_nonce, }; // since 2.8 ajaxurl is always defined in the admin header and points to admin-ajax.php $gf.post( ajaxurl, data, function ( response ) { const object = jQuery.parseJSON( response ); const count = object.count; const msg = object.message; if ( count == 0 ) { var dmsg = msg; } else { var dmsg = msg + ' Please wait, Page is reloading.'; window.location.reload( true ); } $gf( '#vc-gf-msg' ) .html( '
' + dmsg + '
' ) .hide(); $gf( '#vc-gf-msg' ).slideDown( 300 ); $gf( '#refresh-google-fonts' ) .next( '.spinner' ) .css( { display: 'none' } ); setTimeout( function () { $gf( '#vc-gf-msg' ).slideUp( 300 ); }, 4000 ); } ); } ); $gf( 'body' ).on( 'click', '.add-google-font', function () { const button = $gf( this ); const font_family = $gf( this ).attr( 'data-font_family' ); const font_name = $gf( this ).attr( 'data-font_name' ); if ( ! button.hasClass( 'font-added' ) ) { button.next( '.spinner' ).show(); button .next( '.spinner' ) .css( { float: 'right', visibility: 'visible' } ); const variants_array = new Array(); const subsets_array = new Array(); button .parent() .find( '.variants' ) .find( '.font-variant' ) .each( function ( iv, variant ) { $v = $gf( variant ); const temp_arr = {}; const variant_value = $v .find( '.font-variant-inputs' ) .val(); temp_arr.variant_value = variant_value; if ( $v.find( '.font-variant-inputs' ).is( ':checked' ) ) { temp_arr.variant_selected = true; } else { temp_arr.variant_selected = false; } variants_array.push( temp_arr ); } ); button .parent() .find( '.subsets' ) .find( '.font-subset' ) .each( function ( iv, subset ) { $s = $gf( subset ); const temp_arr = {}; const subset_value = $s.find( '.font-subset-inputs' ).val(); temp_arr.subset_value = subset_value; if ( $s.find( '.font-subset-inputs' ).is( ':checked' ) ) { temp_arr.subset_selected = true; } else { temp_arr.subset_selected = false; } subsets_array.push( temp_arr ); } ); const data = { action: 'add_google_font', font_family, font_name, variants: variants_array, subsets: subsets_array, security: uavc.add_google_fonts, }; $gf.post( ajaxurl, data, function ( response ) { // console.log(response); button.next( '.spinner' ).hide(); button.val( 'Added in collection' ); button.addClass( 'font-added' ); //if(variants_array.length > 0) if ( variants_array.length > 0 || subsets_array.length > 0 ) var xclass = 'have-variants'; else var xclass = ''; let gshtml = '
' + font_name + '
'; if ( variants_array.length > 0 ) gshtml += '
'; gshtml += '
'; if ( variants_array.length > 0 || subsets_array.length > 0 ) { gshtml += '
'; if ( ( temp = font_name.split( ' ' ) ) ) { const ctemp = temp.length; var temp_id = ''; $gf.each( temp, function ( i, val ) { temp_id += val; if ( ctemp - 1 != i ) temp_id += '-'; } ); } else var temp_id = font_name; let temp_subset_class = ''; if ( variants_array.length > 0 ) { gshtml += '
'; $gf.each( variants_array, function ( index, variant ) { const lid = temp_id + '-dynamic-' + variant.variant_value + '-' + index; let font_style = "font-family:'" + font_name + "';"; if ( /italic/i.test( variant.variant_value ) ) { font_style += 'font-style:italic;'; } let weight = 'normal'; if ( ( weight = variant.variant_value.match( /\d+/ ) ) ) { font_style += 'font-weight:' + weight + ';'; } gshtml += '
' + variant.variant_value + '
'; } ); gshtml += '
'; temp_subset_class = 'selected-font-subset-wrapper'; } if ( subsets_array.length > 0 ) { gshtml += '
'; $gf.each( subsets_array, function ( index, subset ) { const lid = temp_id + '-dynamic-subset-' + subset.subset_value + '-' + index; gshtml += '
' + subset.subset_value + '
'; } ); gshtml += '
'; } gshtml += '
'; } gshtml += '
'; $gf( '#fonts-selected-wrapper' ).prepend( gshtml ); } ); } } ); $gf( 'body' ).on( 'click', '.font-delete', function () { $gf( '.google-font-overlay' ).remove(); $gf( '.google-font-confirmation' ).remove(); const button = $gf( this ); const font_name = $gf( this ).attr( 'data-font_name' ); $gf( 'body' ).append( '
' ); $gf( 'body' ).append( '
Are you sure you want to remove this font?
' ); $gf( '.google-font-overlay' ).fadeIn( 100 ); $gf( '.google-font-confirmation' ).fadeIn( 100 ); } ); $gf( 'body' ).on( 'click', '.gfont-buttons', function () { if ( $gf( this ).hasClass( 'google-font-message-delete' ) ) { const font_name = $gf( this ).attr( 'data-gfont_name' ); const data = { action: 'delete_google_font', font_name, security: uavc.delete_google_fonts, }; $gf.post( ajaxurl, data, function ( response ) { $gf( '.font-delete' ).each( function ( i, e ) { const button = $gf( this ); const bfont_name = $gf( this ).attr( 'data-font_name' ); if ( bfont_name == font_name ) button.parent().remove(); } ); } ); } $gf( '.google-font-confirmation' ).fadeOut( 200 ); $gf( '.google-font-overlay' ).fadeOut( 200 ); } ); $gf( 'body' ).on( 'click', '.update-google-font-button', function () { const font_name = $gf( this ).attr( 'data-font_name' ); const parent = $gf( this ).parent(); const variant_array = new Array(); const subset_array = new Array(); $gf( parent ) .find( '.font-variant' ) .each( function ( index, variant_wrap ) { const temp_array = {}; const variant_checkbox = $gf( variant_wrap ).find( '.selected-variant-checkbox' ); temp_array.variant_value = $gf( variant_checkbox ).val(); if ( $gf( variant_checkbox ).is( ':checked' ) ) temp_array.variant_selected = true; else temp_array.variant_selected = false; variant_array.push( temp_array ); } ); $gf( parent ) .find( '.font-subset' ) .each( function ( index, subset_wrap ) { const temp_array = {}; const subset_checkbox = $gf( subset_wrap ).find( '.selected-subset-checkbox' ); temp_array.subset_value = $gf( subset_checkbox ).val(); if ( $gf( subset_checkbox ).is( ':checked' ) ) temp_array.subset_selected = true; else temp_array.subset_selected = false; subset_array.push( temp_array ); } ); const data = { action: 'update_google_font', font_name, variants: variant_array, subsets: subset_array, security: uavc.update_google_fonts, }; $gf( this ).next( '.fspinner' ).addClass( 'fspinner-show' ); $gf.post( ajaxurl, data, function ( response ) { $gf( '.fspinner' ).removeClass( 'fspinner-show' ); } ); } ); $gf( 'body' ).on( 'click', '.selected-font-top', function () { if ( $gf( this ).hasClass( 'fopened' ) ) { $gf( this ) .parent() .find( '.selected-font-content' ) .slideUp( 200 ); $gf( this ).removeClass( 'fopened' ); return; } $gf( '.selected-font .selected-font-content' ).slideUp( 200 ); $gf( '.selected-font-top' ).removeClass( 'fopened' ); $gf( this ).addClass( 'fopened' ); $gf( this ) .parent() .find( '.selected-font-content' ) .slideToggle( 200 ); } ); //get google fonts get_google_fonts(); } ); function get_google_fonts() { $gf( '#load-more' ).show(); $list_wrapper = $gf( '#fonts-list-wrapper' ); const gstart = $list_wrapper.attr( 'data-gstart' ); const gfetch = $list_wrapper.attr( 'data-gfetch' ); const gsearch = $gf( '#search_gfont' ).val(); const data = { action: 'get_google_fonts', start: gstart, fetch: gfetch, search: gsearch, security: uavc.get_google_fonts, }; $gf.post( ajaxurl, data, function ( response ) { const object = jQuery.parseJSON( response ); const font_count = object.fonts_count; const fonts = object.fonts; const is_search = object.is_search; if ( font_count == 0 && is_search == 'false' ) { var ghtml = '
It seems you don\'t have any Google Fonts yet. But you can download them now with
just a click.
'; $list_wrapper.html( ghtml ); } else if ( fonts.length == 0 ) { var ghtml = '
'; ghtml += 'Bummer, there are no font families that match. Try with other search keyword'; ghtml += '
'; $list_wrapper.html( ghtml ); } else { var ghtml = convert_json_to_html( fonts ); $list_wrapper.append( ghtml ); } $gf( '#load-more' ).hide(); $list_wrapper.attr( 'data-gstart', parseInt( gstart ) + parseInt( gfetch ) ); } ); } function convert_json_to_html( object ) { let html = ''; $gf.each( object, function ( index, gfont ) { let font_call = gfont.font_call; const font_name = gfont.font_name; const font_variants = gfont.variants; const font_subsets = gfont.subsets; const selected = gfont.selected; if ( ( temp = font_name.split( ' ' ) ) ) { const ctemp = temp.length; var temp_id = ''; $gf.each( temp, function ( i, val ) { temp_id += val; if ( ctemp - 1 != i ) temp_id += '-'; } ); } else var temp_id = font_name; const variants_length = font_variants.length; const subsets_length = font_subsets.length; if ( selected == 'true' ) { var button_text = 'Added in collection'; var button_class = 'font-added'; } else { var button_text = 'Add to Collection'; var button_class = ''; } html += '
'; html += '
' + font_name + '
'; html += '
'; if ( variants_length > 1 ) { font_call += ':'; html += '
'; $gf.each( font_variants, function ( vindex, variant ) { if ( variant != 'regular' ) { let font_style = "font-family:'" + font_name + "';"; if ( /italic/i.test( variant ) ) { font_style += 'font-style:italic;'; } let weight = 'normal'; if ( ( weight = variant.match( /\d+/ ) ) ) { font_style += 'font-weight:' + weight + ';'; } html += '
'; html += '
'; html += '
' + variant + '
'; html += '
'; font_call += variant; if ( variants_length > 0 && variants_length - 1 != vindex ) { font_call += ','; } } } ); html += '
'; } //end of varients if ( subsets_length > 1 ) { html += '
'; $gf.each( font_subsets, function ( sindex, subset ) { html += '
'; html += '
'; html += '
'; } ); html += '
'; } //end of subsets html += '
'; html += '
'; $gf( 'head' ).append( '
' ); } ); return html; } $gf( window ).scroll( function () { if ( $gf( window ).height() + $gf( window ).scrollTop() == $gf( document ).height() ) { const gsearch = $gf( '#search_gfont' ).val(); if ( gsearch == '' ) get_google_fonts(); } } ); $gf( document ).ready( function () { let typingTimer; //timer identifier const doneTypingInterval = 500; //time in ms, 2 second for example //on keyup, start the countdown $gf( '#search_gfont' ).keyup( function () { clearTimeout( typingTimer ); typingTimer = setTimeout( search_gfont, doneTypingInterval ); } ); //on keydown, clear the countdown $gf( '#search_gfont' ).keydown( function () { clearTimeout( typingTimer ); } ); } ); function search_gfont() { const gsearch = $gf( '#search_gfont' ).val(); $list_wrapper = $gf( '#fonts-list-wrapper' ); $list_wrapper.html( '' ); if ( gsearch == '' ) { $list_wrapper.attr( 'data-gstart', parseInt( 0 ) ); } get_google_fonts(); } $gf( document ).ready( function () { //set_wrap_height('notfixed'); const $menu = jQuery( '.fonts-selected-list' ), $window = jQuery( window ), offset = $menu.offset(), topPadding = 15; $window.scroll( function () { if ( $window.scrollTop() + 35 + 15 > offset.top ) { $menu.addClass( 'uagffixed' ); //set_wrap_height('fixed'); } else { $menu.removeClass( 'uagffixed' ); //set_wrap_height('notfixed'); } } ); } ); function set_wrap_height( fx ) { const win_height = $gf( window ).height(); if ( fx == 'notfixed' ) { const swrap_top = $gf( '#fonts-selected-wrapper' ).offset().top; var cheight = win_height - swrap_top - 40; } else { var cheight = win_height - 140; } $gf( '#fonts-selected-wrapper' ).height( cheight ); }