add_rule('field_name_1', 'not_empty', array('empty error!')); * $val->add_rule('field_name_2', 'min:5|max:15', array('min 5 char!', 'max 15 char!')); * * or * $val->add_rule( array( 'one' => array( 'table_news_hasnt_id', 'table error!' ), 'two' => array( 'min:5|max:10|not_empty', array( 'min error!', 'max error!', 'not empty error!' ) ) ) ); //3. Run the validation like this: if($val->run()) { echo 'validation true'; }else{ $this->errors = $val->get_errors(); } * * Conditions: * * 1.required - required only, isset * 2.not_empty - check if not empty * 3.numeric - any numeric, ex.: 6, 6.5 * 4.float - float number, ex.: 6.5 * 5.int - entire number, ex.: 6 * 6.array - check if array * 7.min:(int) - set min value * 8.max:(int) - set max value * 9.email - if email * 10.date - if date * 11.cyrillic - if cyrillic * 12.not - not contains any value (string) or (int) * 13.equal - if contains any value (string) or (int) * 14.table_(table_name)_has_(column):$this->request->post('value') - check if value exists in a database, ex.: = (string), (int) * 15.table_(table_name)_hasnt_(column) - check if value doesn't exists in a database, ex.: <> (string), (int) * 16.length:(int) - set fixed length * 17.captcha:($session_variable) - check if captcha matches * * * * * Ivaylo Zahariev * 17.08.2013 * */ class Validation { /** * @var Fieldset the fieldset this instance validates */ protected $fieldset; /** * @var array available after validation started running: contains given input values */ protected $input = array(); /** * @var array contains values of fields that validated successfully */ protected $validated = array(); /** * @var array contains Validation_Error instances of encountered errors */ protected $errors = array(); /** * @var array, array contains Validation_Error instances of encountered errors */ protected $output_errors = array(); /** * @var array all fields for validation */ protected $fields = array(); /** * @var array data is going to be validated, ex.: post or custom. */ protected $data = array(); /** * @var int contains filter's second parementer. */ protected $range = null; /** * @var array contains validation error messages, will overwrite those from lang files */ protected $error_messages = array(); /** * Gets a new instance of the Validation class. * * @param string The name or instance of the Fieldset to link to * @return Validation */ public static function forge($fieldset) { return new self($fieldset); } protected function __construct($fieldset) { $this->fieldset = $fieldset; } public function add_rule($rules, $condition = null, array $messages = array()) { if (is_array($rules)) { foreach ($rules as $key => $rule) { if (is_array($rule)) { $this->dismember($key, current($rule), next($rule)); } else { $this->dismember($key, $rule, $messages); } } } else { $this->dismember($rules, $condition, $messages); } } protected function dismember($rule, $condition, $messages) { if (strpos($condition, '|') !== false) { $parser = explode('|', $condition); foreach ($parser as $k => $pr) { $this->add_field($rule, $pr, $messages[$k]); } } else { $add_message = is_array($messages) ? current($messages) : $messages; $this->add_field($rule, $condition, $add_message); } } protected function add_field($field, $condition, $message) { $this->fields[$field][] = $condition; $this->error_messages[$field][$condition] = $message; } public function run($data = null) { if ($data == null) { if ($data = $_POST) { $this->data = $data; } else { return false; } } else { $this->data = $data; } return $this->action($data); } protected function parse($filter) { if (strpos($filter, ':') !== false) { $parser = explode(':', $filter); $this->range = $parser[1]; return $parser[0]; } else { $this->range = null; return $filter; } } protected function action($data) { foreach ($this->fields as $field_name => $patterns) { foreach ($patterns as $pattern) { if (array_key_exists($field_name, $this->fields)) { $filter = $this->parse($pattern); $value = $this->data[$field_name]; $function = '_validation_' . $filter; switch (true) { case preg_match("/(^table_)(.*)(_has_)(.*)$/", $filter, $matches): $params = '$value, $matches[2], $matches[4]'; $function = '_validation_table_has'; break; case preg_match("/(^table_)(.*)(_hasnt_)(.*)$/", $filter, $matches): $params = '$value, $matches[2], $matches[4]'; $function = '_validation_table_hasnt'; break; default: $params = '$value'; } if (method_exists($this, $function)) { eval('$result = $this->' . $function . '(' . $params . ');'); } if ($result) { $this->add_validation($field_name, $filter); } else { $this->add_error($field_name, $filter); } } } } return $this->pass(); } protected function pass() { return empty($this->errors); } protected function add_validation($field_name, $filter) { $this->validated[$field_name][] = $filter; } protected function add_error($field_name, $filter) { $filter = !empty($this->range) ? $filter . ':' . $this->range : $filter; $this->errors[$field_name] = !empty($this->error_messages[$field_name][$filter]) ? $this->error_messages[$field_name][$filter] : $filter; $this->output_errors[$field_name][] = $filter; } public function get_output_errors() { return $this->output_errors; } public function get_errors() { $errors = $this->errors; $output_errors = array(); foreach($errors as $field => $error) { $output_errors[$field] = $error; } return $output_errors; } public function get_validated() { return $this->validated; } public function get_messages() { return $this->error_messages; } /** * Special empty method because 0 and '0' are non-empty values * * @param mixed * @return bool */ public static function _empty($val) { return ($val === false or $val === null or $val === '' or $val === array()); } /** * @function boolean required only, isset */ public function _validation_required($val) { return isset($val); } /** * @function boolean check if not empty */ public function _validation_not_empty($val) { return !$this->_empty($val); } /** * @function boolean any numeric, ex.: 6, 6.5 */ public function _validation_numeric($val) { return is_numeric($val); } /** * @function boolean float number, ex.: 6.5 */ public function _validation_float($val) { return is_numeric($val) && floor($val) != $val; } /** * @function boolean entire number, ex.: 6 */ public function _validation_int($val) { return is_numeric($val) && floor($val) == $val; } /** * @function boolean check if array */ public function _validation_array($val) { return is_array($val); } /** * @function boolean set min value */ public function _validation_min($val) { return strlen($val) >= $this->range; } /** * @function boolean set max value */ public function _validation_max($val) { return strlen($val) <= $this->range; } /** * @function boolean set a fixed length of a value */ public function _validation_length($val) { return strlen($val) == $this->range; } /** * @function boolean check if capcha matches */ public function _validation_captcha($val) { if(!isset($_SESSION[$this->range])) return false; return md5($val) == $_SESSION[$this->range]; } /** * @function boolean if email */ public function _validation_email($val) { return filter_var($val, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL); } /** * @function boolean if date */ public function _validation_date($val) { return strtotime($val); } /** * @function boolean if cyrillic */ public function _validation_cyrillic($val) { return preg_match('/^[\p{Cyrillic}\p{Common}]+$/u', $val); } /** * @function boolean not contains any value (string) or (int) */ public function _validation_not($val) { return (string)$val != (string)$this->range or (int) $val != (int)$this->range; } /** * @function boolean if contains any value (string) or (int) */ public function _validation_equal($val) { return $val == $this->range or (int) $val == $this->range; } /** * @function boolean check if value exists in a database, ex.: = (string), (int) */ public function _validation_table_has($val, $table, $column) { $query = sprintf("SELECT COUNT(*) as counter FROM %s WHERE %s = '%s'", mysql_escape_string($table), mysql_escape_string($column), mysql_escape_string($val)); $result = Registry()->db->query($query); return $result->counter > 0; } /** * @function boolean check if value doesn't exists in a database, ex.: <> (string), (int) */ public function _validation_table_hasnt($val, $table, $column) { $query = sprintf("SELECT COUNT(*) as counter FROM %s WHERE %s = '%s'", mysql_escape_string($table), mysql_escape_string($column), mysql_escape_string($val)); $result = Registry()->db->query($query); return $result->counter == 0; } /** * Sanitizes an array data * * @param string $array * @return array */ public static function sanitize(&$data) { array_walk($data, function(&$value, $key) { if (is_array($value)) { Validation::sanitize($value); } else { $value = mysql_escape_string(strip_tags(trim($value))); } }); return $data; } } function d($what) { print '
'; print_r($what); print '
'; } ?>