_callbackin5minutes($name, $email, $mobile, $countryCode, $_REQUEST['Comment'], '' . $this->defaultUrl. ' - ' . $source, $_REQUEST['projectid']); } return $validMobile; } elseif ($source === 'Footer Form' || $source === 'Instant Callback') { setcookie('popout', 'it works'); $validEmail = EmailClass::validationCheckEmail($email); if (($validMobile === true) && ($validEmail === true)) { if($source === 'Footer Form'){unset($_SESSION['captcha']);} $this->_callbackin5minutes($name, $email, $mobile, $countryCode, $_REQUEST['Comment'], '' . $this->defaultUrl. ' - ' . $source, $_REQUEST['projectid']); return $validMobile; } else{ $errorMsg = 'Enter a valid mobile number and/or email address.'; return $errorMsg; } } } public static function validationCheckMobile($mobile) { $msg = true; if (empty($mobile) || strlen($mobile) >= 18 || strlen($mobile) <= 3 || $mobile === 'Mobile:' || !(EmailClass::is_mobileNumber($mobile))) { $msg = 'Enter a valid mobile number.'; return $msg; } return $msg; } public static function validationCheckEmail($email) { $msg = true; if (empty($email) || !(EmailClass::isValidEmail($email)) || $email === 'Email:') { $msg = 'Enter a valid email address.'; return $msg; } return $msg; } public static function isValidEmail($email) { //return eregi("^[_a-z0-9-]+(\.[_a-z0-9-]+)*@[a-z0-9-]+(\.[a-z0-9-]+)*(\.[a-z]{2,3})$", $email); return filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL) && preg_match('/@.+\./', $email); } public static function is_mobileNumber($mobile) { $regex1 = '123456789'; $regex2 = '1234567890'; $regex3 = '0123456789'; if (preg_match('/^([0-9])\1*$/', $mobile)) { return false; } elseif ($mobile == $regex1) { return false; } elseif ($mobile == $regex2) { return false; } elseif ($mobile == $regex3) { return false; } elseif (preg_match("/[^0-9]/", $mobile)) { return false; } else { return true; } } public function _callbackin5minutes($name, $email, $mobile, $countryCode, $comments, $screenName, $projectID) { $key = 'SEM'; $campaignName = $_COOKIE['vaLead_Campaign']; $channelName = $_COOKIE['vaLead_Channel']; $keyword = $_COOKIE['vaLead_Keyword']; $placement = $_COOKIE['vaLead_Placement']; $device = $_COOKIE['vaLead_Device']; $utmSource = $_COOKIE['vaLead_UtmSourceName']; $utmMedium = $_COOKIE['vaLead_UtmMediumName']; $utmCampaign = $_COOKIE['vaLead_UtmCampaignName']; $ip_add = helperClass::getIpAddr(); //$ChannelDetails = "Source of traffic: VT, Project Name: ". $this->fromname .", Client Name:". $name .", Campaign Name:". $campaignName .", Channel Name:". $channelName .", Keyword:". $keyword .", Placement:". $placement .", Device:". $device; $ChannelDetails = "Source of traffic: VT, Project Name: .". $this->fromname ." , Client Name:". $name .", Campaign Name:". $campaignName .", Channel Name:". $channelName .", Keyword:". $keyword .", Placement:". $placement .", Device:". $device .", UTM Source Name:". $utmSource .", UTM Medium Name:". $utmMedium .", UTM Campaign Name:". $utmCampaign; if ($countryCode!="") { $mobile = $countryCode.$mobile; } $url = "http://www.indiahomes.com/util.html?"; $url .= "action=genericFormFill"; $url .= "&name=". urlencode($name) .""; $url .= "&mobileNumber=". urlencode($mobile) .""; $url .= "&emailId=". urlencode( $email ) . ""; $url .= "&via=". urlencode($key) .""; $url .= "&viaDetails=". urlencode($ChannelDetails). ""; $url .= "&projectId=". urlencode($projectID) .""; $url .= "&ip=". urlencode($ip_add) .""; $url .= "&screenName=". urlencode($screenName); $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); } } ?>